whelp. it’s time for another birthday for the anna baby. and this years obsession at the time of cake making is the hamilton musical, so that was to be the theme. despite my insistence that she not wait until the last minute (week of her party) to tell me what she wanted her cake to […]
the goldie quilt. (a finished quilt!)

in a previous post, i discussed my recent trend of starting quilt projects but never finishing them. as i was cruising along on the most recent quilt, i got really excited about it, and decided it was high time to break that streak and saw it through to the very end. it all started when […]
a ridiculously long post about april ’23.

well. you would think a post about april would be super short, considering we spent the first week on spring break, and all of that was detailed in previous posts. but, alas, sometimes when there’s not much excitement going on, these miscellaneous monthly posts get a lot more attention. or so it is in this […]
an all natural gender reveal(and some unicorn cupcakes)

when some friends of ours found out they were having a second baby and asked if i would make the gender reveal cake, i jumped at the chance. they were just having a little zoom/facetime reveal with family, so it was just going to be a six inch cake for them and their toddler, the […]
updates from the quilty front.

as promised, in multiple previous posts, finally, an update on my sewing.as i type this (april 16th), i currently have five quilts in various stages of completion. normally, i like to make one entire quilt at a time, from start to finish. but, i decided to branch out, and channel all of the energy of […]
easter cakery (a story of excess).

ok. so.anna and i decided to attempt one or more carrot cakes made from scratch for easter weekend. we found a recipe we liked and got started on cake number one (but made enough carrot shreds for a second round). i busted out the easter sprinkles to make it really festive and a lovely carrot […]
spring break 2023the longest hardest hike.

as has become standard over the years, we planned for one of the days of our spring break trip to be a big fat longer hike for me (and a much needed day of doing nothing for my people who enjoy doing nothing and derek who was a little under the weather for the whole […]
spring break 2023bryson city day.

our second day of spring break was a little drizzly and overcast, so we figured it was a good day to do some shopping and exploring in bryson city. you know, making sure we were close to shelter. but before we hit the city, we drove up “the road to nowhere” to walk through the […]
spring break 2023. wesser bald fire tower hike.

for our first big spring break adventure, we dragged the kids out on a three-ish mile hike to the wesser bald fire tower. it was relatively uneventful. derek wasn’t feeling great and ike was nursing a sprained ankle, so they took their time, while i forged ahead with the girls. we started out a little […]
spring break 2023…

for spring break this year, we packed up and headed to an airbnb, in the wilderness of the nantahala national forest, on the tippy western end of north carolina. as the children grow, so does the volume of our “luggage” (reusable shopping bags, mostly), making packing the back of the subaru feel like the most […]