Just before I started my virtual teaching gig, I started this book quilt for Anna, my book loving middle kid, whose turn it was in the rotation for a new quilt. (Isaac and Hazel both received matching Minecraft quilts last year). Ever since I laid eyes on the Tall Tales paper pieced block by kidgiddy, […]
march miscellany. 2021 edition.
In like a lion, out like a lamb. Or at least that’s the saying in Western New York. Pertaining to the weather. Well, it works here for me too. I started out March in a really bad place about teaching. And then, I quit. I gave my notice on March 3rd, spent the next two […]
stone mountain, attempt three.
Thanks to my new status as unemployed, on the first beautiful day after I turned in my equipment, the Lidkids and I headed for the mountains. We opted for Stone Mountain, which we have done a few times before, and is about 4.5ish miles and 1000 feet of elevation gain. Hazel had never gone with […]
febz 2021.
Other than a visit from my mom at the end of the month, February was rather uneventful around the parts. Teaching was slowly murdering me. It was cold and blah. We were still all living under quarantine. Good times, really. Let’s see. There was a Buffalo Bills-less Super Bowl. We watched. Ate wings. Ho hum. […]
pilot mountain with new gramz.mental health day #3 (fail).
In late February, my mom came down to visit. It worked out nicely, because I had a faux-long weekend from teaching. For some reason, there were two “remote” days built into the calendar on Friday and Monday, which technically meant that the kids who were doing in-person school would be remote that day, but because […]
mental health hike #2, with ponies!
After another dismal week of virtual teaching, Anna and I set off for Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia, for another mental health day of hiking. I’ve seen so many epic pictures of this park, which is famous for it’s roaming wild ponies, but never any in winter. We knew that there would be snow, […]
the leftovers of January ’21.
Well. If you’ve followed along, you’ll know that January was a bananas month in our little fam. My return to teaching didn’t leave much time for anything else. Aside from a weekend hike and Isaac’s birthday, my month was mostly a whirlwind of lesson planning, mental breakdowns, sitting in front of a screen for 15 […]
mental health hike #1.
In the first few weeks of my short-lived virtual teaching career, I was working both days of the weekends, just trying to keep afloat. That was obviously not a sustainable situation, so I began to carve out one entire day devoted to NOT anything to do with teaching whatsoever. And, if the weather was agreeable, […]
the boy is fourteen.
On January 24th, the boy had himself yet another birthday. How it’s been 14 years since he hit the scene, I cannot comprehend. As per my usual, I attempted to take a photo for instagram, to commemmorate the occasion with lovely sentiments. And as per the Lidkid usual, he made that difficult. But, I can […]
december in the time of covid.
well. here we are. the december wrap up post. the truth is, i could have completed this a few days ago, because not much noteworthy stuff has happened since christmas. i was holding out for an epic new year, but then i went to bed at 10:30, so no epicness was had. unless you count […]