after spending a zillion hours on my scrappy halloween spooky village quilt, i wanted my next quilt to be a quick and easy finish. i bought all the fabrics from a new fall-ish line we have at the shop, selected a relatively simple pattern, and immediately got to work. of course, because i can’t just […]
things that took place in october.

it’s fall! the favorite season around these parts. we are all settled into the routine of school. football season is in full swing. it’s cooling off (but it’s still north carolina, so sort of stupidly warm). and we are ready for the gauntlet of holidays. so, here’s how we spent our october…. first things first. […]
a little fall trip to the mountains

we didn’t do a very good job of participating in fall themed activities this year. pumpkin patches and whatnot. but, we did manage to squeeze in a weekend excursion to asheville to get the heck out of winston-salem and see some of the color changing leaves of the mountains. we drove out after school on […]
attempts at favorite aunt status. thanksgiving cookie edition.

in a desperate bid to win the designation as holden’s favorite aunt, i packed an arsenal of cookie decorating supplies for our trip to batavia for thanksgiving. my mom babysits him every monday, so i hyped him up for a full day of baking and decorating and he was all in. my diabolical plan for […]
october twenty twenty two.

and now. for the general happenings in october post. the non travel, non cake, non quilt, non adventure happenings. to kick things off, i’ll begin with a little campfire cookout smores type party we had for the kiddos. there was chili too. but i have no photographic evidence. just these pics of the smore’s table […]
mobile halloween cookie decorating

as we were preparing for our long weekend in blowing rock, i had the bright idea that it might be fun to decorate cookies, as an alternative activity to staring at our phones at all weekend. hazel helped me bake up a bunch of sugar cookies in a variety of halloween shapes and i carefully […]
camping in the great smokies, sans family.

a long long time ago, derek booked us a long weekend at a campground in the smokies. during prime autumn leaf color season. it was to be our very first family tent camping trip since selling the rv. but then. isaac wanted to go to a homecoming football game. and anna had some sort of […]
autumn themed mom and pop quilt.

as with all other aspects of my life, i really hit a big wall with quilting last summer. i had no inspiration. no motivation. i was just blah. (it’s january as i type this and i’m still in the same boat). anyways. to try to jumpstart my quilty-life, i strolled into sewingly yours for ideas. […]
autumn apple picking in the sweltering heat.

firstly. i do realize that i’m like five months behind in my blogging. again. so, my recollection of the happenings for some of the next dozen or so posts is a little foggy. bear with me. every year, at the end of summer, i am often found lamenting the scorching heat in north carolina, during […]
november, randomness.

after a month filled with exciting travel in october, november was pretty chill. even though it’s not quite the same as fall in western new york, it’s still my favorite season in north carolina. cooler temps. pumpkin themed foods. upcoming holidays. falling leaves. fewer bugs. you get the idea. here’s how our november went. we […]