somehow, over the past couple of weeks, i have amassed a great deal of leftover frosting. in an unrelated story, i had promised my friend bridgette that i would show her how i get smooth (ish) frosting on my cakes the next time i made a cake. since there are really no cakes on the […]
christmas cookies: 2010 edition
isaac’s preschool christmas party was supposed to be today, but schools across north carolina were canceled because of a bunch of ice falling from the skies and coating the ground. i was in charge of bringing cookies, frosting, sprinkles, et cetera, for the kids to decorate and take home. so, now, i’m stuck with a […]
peanut butter cup cupcakes
one day, during a particularly long annababy nap (for which i held her the entire time), i did some cleaning out of my google reader… clearing out blogs that are quite stale and adding some new suggestions that google (big brother) suggested for me. amongst the new blogs was bake it in a cake. one […]
official kitchenaid supervisor
isaac and i made some chocolate chip cookies yesterday (at his request). he’s a very good helper for all of the mixing. then, he abandons me, only to return when the cookies are warm out of the oven. here’s some pics of him at work, supervising the mixing phase:
banana bread
we bought like 50 bananas at costco a week ago, and then subsequently ate approximately one of them. so, in an effort to not waste the $1.32-ish that we paid for said bananas, we’re turning them into various forms of baked goods. isaac helped use up about 3 of them in some banana bread: mashing: […]
cookie helper… belated pics.
this took place sometime before christmas. i’m a little bit delayed in posting… my apologies. also, some apologies for the onslaught of posts that is about to commence.
christmas cookies, round 2
last saturday, mandy and her girls came over and we finished baking cutout cookies and then decorated them. isaac decorated one cookie, ate it, and ate two undecorated cookies and called it quits. the girls hung in till the bitter end and decorated a zillion cookies. the last is my favorite.
cookie apprentice
isaac and i decided it was time to to a little holiday cooking. he helped make the cookie dough, by reading numbers on the recipe and counting out the ingredients. and by sticking his fingers into sugar and licking them. both were very helpful. then, we got down to the fun part… cutting out the […]