
last week. on thursday. this kid turned four. it seems very impossible. she’s quite a little character. very independent. and stubborn. she is a super little artist. and loves to read. and pretend. and play with princess dolls. and baby dolls. and hoard piles of random toys into the hidden corners of the house. we […]


on friday, isaac t. lidbom turned seven. SEVEN. i can’t even believe it. seems like just yesterday that we were bringing home that screaming little bundle of feisty joy and starting our lives as parents. he has, for sure, kept us on our toes. he’s packed to the rafters with endless energy. and is completely […]

princess party…

it was perfect timing that anna decided she liked princesses, because she was set to attend a princess party for the fifth birthday of our pal kaylin. we borrowed a dress from heather and her girls and instantly anna was transformed into a disney princess enthusiast. so, naturally, we gave in. and for anna’s birthday, […]