35 pictures from the last 24 days… i’ll start off with a visit to anna’s classroom for “muffins with moms”. she is such a perfect little student. she loves school. muffins with mom selfie. just hazel, hamming it up. football started. to celebrate, hazel and i took a sunday afternoon nap on the couch. hazelbaby […]
august miscellaneousness.

june and july rolled by fast. and then. it was august. and there were beach preparations. and school preparations. and, well, without further ado, here’s 25 pictures from auguest. anna picked out this fantastic light up backpack for school. park playdate. before the friends arrived. a moment of getting along. this girl can stand. from […]
family beach trip. the grand finale.

the last day! friday. back out to the beach. to soak up as much sun, salt water and sand as possible. isaac quickly found a group of boys to hang with. and they were JERKS. at one point, he came back and asked if he could take off his life vest to show them that […]
family beach trip. no sand day.

i’m never going to finish all of these posts. this is wednesday of our trip, i think. we opted to not go to the beach. cleaning sand off three little people gets tiring. and we needed a break. so, off to the pool. then back to the room for freezie pops. girls. boy. then, we […]
pools and ice cream and bubbles, mostly.

yep. so here’s what’s been happening in our little world lately… hazel had her first swim in a real pool. she was a fan. i also had anna clinging to me like i crazy person, so it made my experience a little overwhelming. but, here’s a pic before anna “joined us”. isaac. he loves the […]