monday of week 2. a lazy day. we went to the beach to swim a bit. and ike practiced all of his diving board tricks. i don’t know what else we did. but, this is the last pic of the day. napping hazel. on tuesday, we were back at the beach, but this time with […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 3. the july fourth edition.

we had a lazy day with eliot and my mom off on friday. i think. because there’s no pictures except for a handful from the beach. like this. and this. and some kayaking. and that’s pretty much it for friday. saturday was the fourth of july. again, i have no pictures to help me piece […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 2.

so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
pilgrimage to the homeland. part 1.

well well. i was all proud of myself for catching up on my blogging. and then i let this ny trip sit and sit. and then all of july happened. and we went on a mini vacation to the mountains. and we leave for the beach in a couple of days, so then i’ll have […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. last day.

i’m on a roll!! our last beach day started at the pool. juliana’s family left early, so we all said our goodbyes. 🙂 (juju is natalie’s little sister. she loves hazel. natalie loves anna. it’s a big sister little sister thing). anna still had makayla. in the afternoon, anna went to the beach. and these […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. days two and three.

after selecting all the pics for this post, it appears we didn’t go to the beach at all for days two and three. strange. anyhooo… here’s what we DID do. we started off with a slow morning, because hazel learned that she can climb out of her pack and play and we got a very […]

all the happenings in january. guacamole hazel. cupcake-juicebox hazel. play-doh anna. a new giant box came in the mail. anna moved in. isaac sorted markers for her to decorate with. waffle maker helper hazel. i’m told this is princess elsa. flat play-doh version. hazel is terrible at her cheerio book. anna the painter. princess elsa […]
new year happenings.

i left off with my parents leaving town on new years eve. they woke isaac to say goodbye, per his request. they did NOT wake anna, per her request. and hazel didn’t notice anything different. but after the whirlwind of end of school, sick kids, christmas and then my parents here for five days, we […]
birthday weekend at the beach. (sewing).

a few weekends ago, i went with three quilty friends to a quilting retreat, hosted by the triangle modern quilt guild. at the beach. bonus info: it was also my birthday weekend. on the way down, we stopped at two quilt shops in chapel hill and raleigh. upon arrival at the (super fancy pants) hotel, […]
30 days has september. but this post is about the first 24.

35 pictures from the last 24 days… i’ll start off with a visit to anna’s classroom for “muffins with moms”. she is such a perfect little student. she loves school. muffins with mom selfie. just hazel, hamming it up. football started. to celebrate, hazel and i took a sunday afternoon nap on the couch. hazelbaby […]