ok. so, just like derek always plans a day for me to go for an epic side quest hike or adventure when we are on trips more conducive to such activities, when we are near large bodies of water, derek plans an epic side quest fishing trip (epic for him, not me). on this trip, […]
2023 summer road trip. week one. batavia.

summer in north carolina is super dumb. hot. humid. and dumb. this year, we escaped much of said dumbness by heading north for most of july. our first stop on the road trip took us to my homeland of batavia, new york. we piled into the subaru, which feels smaller and smaller each summer, but […]
august in western new york.

usually, we head up to western new york for our annual summer pilgrimage in june or maybe early july. but this year, my baby brother’s wedding was set to take place in august, so we planned our excursion around the wedding date. we arrived the weekend before the wedding, so we could get in some […]
first stop. batavia, new york.

well. here i go. attempting to catch up on the backlog of some fifty or so blog posts, dating back to the end of may. i had high hopes of keeping up with it while we went on our epic summer road trip, but that turned out to be sort of laughable due to the […]
oregon inlet camp life.OBX adventure

ok! we’ve made it to my last post about our time in the outer banks. we were there for almost two weeks, so even though we had a lot of excursions, and spent a lot of time at the beach, there was still time back at camp, just hanging, doing boring stuff. this is a […]
oregon inlet beach.OBX adventure.

well. here i go again. attempting to catch up my blog from MONTHS ago. it’s a few days after christmas and i have to go all the way back to the beginning of october to begin. and the worst part? we have done a LOT of stuff, so it looks like i will need about […]
florida keys pit stop.

while it seems like it was in another life completely, it was less than two months ago when we loaded up the rv for a trip back down to the florida keys. we planned for the trip to take 13 days (leaving after co-op and arriving in time for co-op two weeks later). derek and […]
florida. week one.

so, i left off with our crew heading to jacksonville, florida to retrieve our camper. the long days of traveling have been rough on hazel. she made it all the way to jacksonville, but fell asleep on the three minute drive from the rv storage place to the walmart parking lot, where we planned to […]
our first weeks of homelessness.

after our yard sale, we spent a couple of days getting the rest of the stuff cleared out of the house (which mostly consisted of paying our painters some extra cash to get stuff out of the house). and the following monday, we left for a local thousand trails campsite. here is the official “we […]
lidbom family camping adventures. round 2.

last fall, we attempted a family camping trip. (in a sweet circus tent). it was a little tough with a tiny, semi-mobile, terrible sleeping hazel, but we still had a lot of fun, so we decided it was time to give it another go. this time, derek bought a super easy tent to set up […]