it’s no secret that i miss western new york autumns. so, when i learned that my reunion was scheduled for the fall, i was so excited to partake in some our typical fall activities up there. it was tough to squeeze in, because of weather and reunion stuff, but on saturday, we headed off to […]

man. i really really am doing a terrible job at blogging. not that i think anyone is actually reading this. so, mostly i’m talking to future me and the kids. i had every intention of getting a september blog up and posted before we took a big trip to ny, so that right now, i […]
a boring august recap.

the second half of summer flew past in a flash. i hit up some consignment sales for clothes for the annababy, who can still squeeze into 4t clothes, but they are quite short. i took her with me, and wound up purchasing a darth vader costume, which she insisted on wearing everywhere, much to the amusement […]
rainbow cascading wonky star quilt.

a super quick post about a recent quilting finish. awhile back, my friend danii asked (begged) for a quilt. i finally gave in and after some discussion settled on sticking with my guns and going for a rainbow wonky star cascade on a gray background. i started this sucker a way way way long time […]
july twenty fifteen.

we were gone for a lot of july, so there’s not a lot to post about. but, i will manage. 🙂 during our week at home between the beach and new york, derek was training for a new job at wells fargo. he settled in while we were in new york, so when we came […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 5. (the last one!!)

welcome to my final post about our trip to ny! i think at this point it’s thursday on our second week. jake had the day off (a rarity). and i’m pretty sure it was rainy and gross. so we had a lazy day. and i made jake pick us up some subs. from southside. i […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 4.

monday of week 2. a lazy day. we went to the beach to swim a bit. and ike practiced all of his diving board tricks. i don’t know what else we did. but, this is the last pic of the day. napping hazel. on tuesday, we were back at the beach, but this time with […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 3. the july fourth edition.

we had a lazy day with eliot and my mom off on friday. i think. because there’s no pictures except for a handful from the beach. like this. and this. and some kayaking. and that’s pretty much it for friday. saturday was the fourth of july. again, i have no pictures to help me piece […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 2.

so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
june. (seriously belated).

so. we were at the beach and then in new york for a good part of june, so i thought i didn’t have a ton of stuff to post about. but, i still managed to rustle up 24 pictures from random june happenings…. like this picture of my delicious (and organized) breakfast. picture one of […]