as previously mentioned, in my letchworth post, a couple of weeks ago, the lidkids and i loaded up to head to batavia, to visit my mom, and break up the monotony of the quarantine. the drive was remarkably uneventful. we stopped twice. both time with little fanfare. and there was no traffic and smooth sailing. […]
letchworth state park.
last week-ish, the kids and i loaded up and headed to western ny to visit fam and have a little change of scenery. my mom was able to take a few days off work, and on one particularly lovely day, we drove out to letchworth state park to “hike” and be in the sunshine and […]
quarantine may.
even though things started opening up in may, we mostly laid low, and did a lot of the same things we have been doing for the entire quarantine. music concerts, baking, sewing, dog snuggling, yard work. you know the drill. but then also a few outings, of varying degrees of excitement. 🙂 firstly. on anna’s […]
escape to hanging rock.
our trip to pilot mountain was just the jumpstart we needed to start getting out and about and hiking a bit more. so, later in the week, we packed up again, and this time headed to hanging rock state park. (ruby barfed on the way up, if you were wondering). our plan was to hike […]
cinco de mayo, in the time of coronavirus.
during our time roaming around the southwest in the camper, we developed quite an affinity for mexican culture. so, this year, we decided to really do it up, quarantine style, for cinco de mayo. fun fact, annas due date was may 5th, but she was late. ho hum. originally, i had just planned to do […]
april in quarantine.
at the start of april, time was seemingly standing still. the days were incredibly long. and it was hard to remember what day it actually was. we were still doing school. and arts and crafts. and dance. but the daily monotony was getting old. i busted out some clearance crafts that i picked up when […]
coronavirus sewing.
i have had a complete lack of sewing motivation during the lockdown. which works out, because i also find myself with very little time to sew. even though our lives didn’t change THAT much, i am missing a weekly day with the kids in co-op so i can run errands. and an evening with anna […]
lockdown easter activities.
as we rolled towards easter, it was pretty apparent that it was going to be spent in quarantine. so, i did what any quarantine mom would do. i ordered $20 worth of sprinkles from michaels curbside pick up and made cookies to decorate. i found an egg shaped cookie cutter in my baking supplies that […]
march.(quarantine begins).
towards the end of our time in florida, the concern over the coronavirus was just picking up. we definitely gave a little extra thought to the fact that we were in a city with an international airport. but mostly, we had no idea that things were about to get real crazy real fast. when we […]
miami again.(and the end of our vacation, sigh).
on our way out of the keys, we stopped at shell world, where anna picked out one million different shells to bring back to her personal hoard of memorabilia, and isaac and hazel spent their money on overpriced tourist candy. back on the mainland, our first stop was to head back over to robert is […]