way back when we were making our way up the coast, we had plans to go to crater lake national park, but we canceled them at literally the last minute, because of wildfires and smoke and the worry that it would be a pretty big letdown. then, when we were making plans to get back […]
north cascades national park. day one.

after our time in sequim with jenn and brandy, we had a LONG drive around the puget sound and then back up to north cascades national park. this would be our first stop on a whirlwind week at north cascades, exploring seattle and then moving down to mount rainier (which is where i am typing […]
lake quinault adventures.

this might just be my fastest ever turnaround from doing a thing to posting about it. this past weekend, we moved further north up the coast, to ocean city washington. it’s not really near much of anything and there’s a dead whale on the beach at our campground, so, well, we are mostly laying low. […]
lassen volcanic national park.

sooooooooooo…. from lake tahoe, via reno, we moved onto lassen volcanic national park. i really had absolutely no idea what to expect from a volcano themed national park. our campsite was on manzanita lake, in the northwest corner of the park and basically had zero cell signal, which meant it was going to be a […]
kid free rubicon trail hike. (plus: vikingsholm).

when the grandlidboms are in town visiting, it gives derek and i an opportunity to do some stuff without kids, a luxury you give up when you adopt a life on the road. since we are both keto-ing pretty hard, we decided to use our alone time to go on a longer hike than would […]
lake tahoe with the grandlidboms.

it has been a LONG time since our last visit from the grandlidboms. we spent christmas in san diego with them, so it had been over six months by the time our lake tahoe visit rolled around, and the kids could barely contain themselves. we arrived and set up a little before they were able […]

here we go. another mad dash round of bloggy catch up. when i left off, had stopped to visit the jelly belly factory on our way from point reyes national seashore to a little spot just north of sacramento, in nicolaus, california. the place was a thousand trails campground, which usually means there’s not much […]
yosemite. part one.

ok. so. yosemite. “the crown jewel of the national park service”. we were both excited to see it and a little bit dreading the crowds. our campground was about an hour out of the valley and had no cell signal, so derek took the first week off entirely to explore and adventure and we would […]
antelope island with some fave friends.

we have been extra excited about our time in salt lake city, because we had coordinated with a fellow fulltime traveling family to meet up for a day. we met them in florida on our “trial run” and then ran into them again, in january, also in florida. we follow each others adventures and check […]
glacier national park.iceberg lake hike.

so here’s the thing about glacier national park. there’s one road through. so, there are a handful of smaller, kid friendly types of hikes. and the rest are a bit longer. and also, more likely to be visited by bears. so if i wanted to do one, it would have to be sans lid kids. […]