i had ike’s four year old check up today. we have to wait for at least a year from our last checkup. which i forgot to schedule because of the ny trip mayhem of february 2010. so, we are pushed back into march, even though his bday is in january. he and the doc discussed […]
one small step
i meant to post about this last week when it actually happened. but, my plans often get thwarted by these tiny needy people that are constantly hovering around me. lately, anna has upgraded from cruising along stationary objects to using a ride on toy to gain access to all open floor space. often with the […]
infected right ear.

we’ve had a rough go this winter. so much sickness. colds. flus. coughs. stomach bugs. so, when anna started to be run-down at the same time as the rest of us, we assumed she had the same ailment. when it didn’t go away in the same time frame, we thought maybe it was the teething. […]
quadrupling chompers
anna got her first two teeth at right around 4 months. and then 5 months passed by and she still only had those first two. then i noticed a little white bump on her top gums. then another. and another and another. just when those four poked through, i saw two more bumps on the […]
the stander
i’m not smart enough to embed this video of anna into this post, so until i figure that out (or derek figures it out for me), you’ll have to click this link to see the girl stand all by herself for 10 seconds or so… the stander.
lucky number seven.
the girl is seven months old on this day. she turned seven months way faster than isaac did. it’s flying by so fast. she’s super cute and fun these days. i love watching her face light up when she sees isaac. she can hear him when he comes down the stairs in the morning and […]
0.5 years! (and one day)

yesterday marked 6 calendar months of life for the sweet anna baby. i really really meant to post on time for this milestone, but then isaac stole her 1/2 year birthday thunder by projectile vomiting all day. (note: we took him to the doc’s and it seemed to just be a common bug and he’s […]
first school pic

Got isaac’s school pics back today. I was a little nervous, because he’s 100% unwilling to have his picture taken at home. I was pleasantly surprised. 🙂
bring on the steak…
anna popped out a tooth today. she’s been drooling a bit, but she’s been a pretty happy baby and hasn’t had many of the other teething symptoms. Â i wasn’t even really looking for it. Â she grabbed my hand and chomped down on a finger and i was surprised to feel a jagged litte nub poking […]

on thursday, the doctor gave us the ok to start anna on a little bit of cereal. while not opposed to this new food medium, she didn’t fully embrace the idea either. she spit most of it out and was more excited to chew on the spoon. she was also a bit preoccupied with removing […]