yesterday was this guy’s birthday: i made him pose for various pictures in front of the chalkboard. i woke up early (well not really. i skipped the gym and actually woke up later. but i digress.) and made him bacon and pancakes. his favorite. and i made him eat in his underwear because i didn’t […]
two year (and two month) checkup.

this post is mostly for me. for when, someday, when my kids say, where’s our baby book, i can point them to this blog and they can see all that baby book type information… anna had her two year old checkup this week. it was a no-shot appointment, so that’s always good. for some reason, […]
five years.
in january, ike turned five. every year, we get further and further behind in scheduling his checkup. for shots and/or insurance, they have to be a full year apart and usually we go about a year and a few weeks… so, my point is, we went for his checkup on wednesday. may 9th. 🙂 i […]
the annababy is two!!

happy birthday to the annababy. at this time, 2 years ago, i was just waking up from a little rest, afforded to me by my good friend the epidural. within the hour, however, you’d be here, changing our little family forever… the first year flew by. we had a rainbow-rific bash for your first birthday. […]
a few more bday party pics

bear with me. i posted hastily. derek had some really good pics on his phone and my friend heather emailed me some more last night, and i couldn’t help but post some of them. thanks. 🙂 sweet pic of anna and ike: blowing out candles.  derek’s vantage point. happy girl being serenaded. the cake, after […]
annababy is (almost) 2!!

anna turns two on tuesday. we celebrated today with a couple of friends and family. at a mexican restaurant. so, yesterday, we made a cake. the kids, as always, “helped”… anna ate her weight in frosting while i crumb coated. but, she was exceptionally cute while doing so. i decorated last night (detailed pics to […]
about the kids

i thought i was about due (overdue, that is) for an update on the lid kids. first up: ike. for starters, he can’t smile on command. we get pictures home from school almost weekly, and in each one, he looks like this. as you know, from the THREE birthday parties at the end of january, […]
ridiculous belated 1 year checkup post.
i forgot to post this. because it’s for my second kid, i suppose. slacker mom. anna had her 1 year checkup a few weeks ago. slightly after her one year birthday (see: slacker mom). she had all the usual examinations, plus a whole whole whole lot of shots and pricks. isaac came along for the […]
happy birthday annababy!!

today is anna’s first birthday. in fact, one year ago RIGHT NOW, i had a one hour and seven minute old baby. i didn’t know yet if she was going to be another isaacbaby (the kind of baby that makes you strongly consider stopping making babies). or if she was going to be a sweet […]
well, the day has finally arrived. a few weeks ago (months?), anna started taking a few steps here and there, but needed much prompting, cheering, and the proper environment. now, she’s a full fledged walker. on the go. it’s so funny how differently she arrived at this point than isaac. he just would let go […]