it’s been a bit crazy around here for the last little bit. (end of school, new computer and i’m playing a giant game of bloggy catchup. we head to the beach saturday, and i will obviously have about 40 things to blog about that, so hopefully i’ll be all caught up before then. first up. […]
anna’s preschool farewell picnic

last friday, anna’s preschool class had their end of year class picnic. she still has one more day (today), but this was the last partay. it was a beautiful day for the park… of course hazel was along for the ride. the monkey hanger. hazel tunnels. anna tunnels. the bridge was terrifying with all the […]
theannababy turns five.

on friday, may 8th, the anna baby turned five. we kicked things off with a frozen themed photoshoot in front of the big chalkboard. and then an oatmeal breakfast complete with a birthday candle. at school, she had a little birthday celebration, complete with gramma stopping by to read knuffle bunny and a rousing version […]
december. the first half.

december. so busy. we kicked it off this year with a park playdate on a beautiful day. hazel is currently in full wrecker mode. she prowls around the house, looking for opportunities. her favorite go-to’s is the book shelf. she is fast. and stealthy. went up to check on kids the other night before bedtime. […]
30 days has september. but this post is about the first 24.

35 pictures from the last 24 days… i’ll start off with a visit to anna’s classroom for “muffins with moms”. she is such a perfect little student. she loves school. muffins with mom selfie. just hazel, hamming it up. football started. to celebrate, hazel and i took a sunday afternoon nap on the couch. hazelbaby […]
two first days of school.

when we got back to the beach, we had one day to relax and then anna was off to school. preschool, that is. she’s going to calvary and has mrs. lyon, the same teacher isaac had. she was sooooo excited. she picked out a rainbow dash t-shirt and a rainbow ruffle skirt for her first […]
end of childhood year picnic

so, i lied a little. i said that friday was isaac’s last day of preschool. and it was. but, he still had one more event to attend, to cap off his year. an end of year party at joanie moser park. monday. first things first, ike had to show off his swinging skills. there were […]
last day.

friday was ike’s last day of preschool. he has a party at the park tomorrow, but that doesn’t count, because i have to be there. it only counts if i have the morning off from two kids. 🙂 anyhow, i thought i would document via iphone photo. if i was awesome, like the moms on […]
calvin cougar club cupcakes

Last Wednesday, I was the “guest speaker” at Ike’s school for their calvin cougar club (on Wednesday, they stay an hour longer and have guest speakers, demos, etcetera). I talked about making and decorating cupcakes. I also provided cupcakes, frosting and sprinkles for them to decorate their own cupcake. And eat it. 54 preschoolers. 🙂 […]
ike’s first field trip and a christmas bow tie.

isaac is going on his very first ever field trip with his preschool class today. they are going to ardmore moravian church and having a candle tea party or something. in the instructions, his teacher said to wear “church” or “christmas” attire. so, isaac and i reviewed his closet. of course, he wanted to wear […]