finally. christmas day is here. (i actually think i took this pic christmas eve, but whatevs). the tree survived. if you’ll note, there’s no ornaments in the bottom third and the lights and garland are slightly askew. and the presents are ready to go… the kids did a great job of not coming down at […]
family patchwork stockings.

ok. background story. we have fancy cross stitch ll bean stockings for our family. except hazel. last year. when i was deciding whether or not to get her one (because she would be born just before christmas but probably wouldn’t notice a lack of stocking), i waffled one too many times. and no stocking was […]
birthday weekend at the beach. (sewing).

a few weekends ago, i went with three quilty friends to a quilting retreat, hosted by the triangle modern quilt guild. at the beach. bonus info: it was also my birthday weekend. on the way down, we stopped at two quilt shops in chapel hill and raleigh. upon arrival at the (super fancy pants) hotel, […]
modern maples quilt

last year, since i was super pregnant, when the modern maples craze swept the quilt world, i opted to just make a few small placemats for our family. this year, i started seeing them pop up in instagramland and i knew that i just had to make a quilt this time around. with no projects […]
october happenings.

another very random post of very unexciting happenings… chick fil a visit. this goon. we are in the “get into boxes and baskets” stage. isaac had his school fundraiser. the boosterthon fun run. some halloween themed sugary cereals. throwback to my childhood. school picture day. handsome ike agreed to don a tie. this baby. barely […]
four quilts for four sisters.

i’ve been on a finishing up quilts rampage this month. mostly because hazel sleeps. and because they’ve all come together at the same time. but mostly the sleeping. i started making these quilts for my friend brie’s THREE daughters. she had just found out she was pregnant with her fourth, so i cut and planned […]
matchy matchy quilts for my girlzzz

awhile back, when i first laid eyes on it, i bought a fat quarter bundle of wee wander fabric (by sarah jane studios) to make quilts for anna and hazel. i didn’t really have a plan, but i knew i wanted to make matching quilts in each of the colorways. i decided on a free […]
two sad quilts.
a bit of background. i have some friends. who had two kiddos. the oldest, a girl named corban, was born with some sort of super rare chromosome abnormality (i’m not exactly sure it even has a name). when she was born, they weren’t sure she would make it through the night. she was in the […]
pre family beach trip catch up post.

ok. get ready for one zillion pictures. then, i’m going to try to make sure nothing fun or picture worthy happens in the next two days. because on saturday, we pack up and our little family of five will head to the beach. and you can be sure that i will be over facebooking, instagramming […]
the “it’s finally spring” edition of my bi-weekly catch up posts.

we’ve been keeping pretty busy around here. my little artist anna keeps making fun pictures. this is a blue alligator in the making. since we are down to seven chickens, i decided they could live inside the coop for awhile and our yard (and deck) could finally be free of chicken poop. it will also […]