upon returning from our super fun aquarium adventure, Anna starting complaining about some stomach pain. we got her all snuggled up on the couch and sort of assumed it was just travel and sedentary life induced constipation. she is a terrible sick person. while she was out of commission and Hazel napped, I […]
a winter time finish
before there was any talk of epic road trips, i had made plans with derek’s mom to make her a winter quilt after i successfully completed holiday sewing. she ordered a bunch of fabric and found a quilt they both liked and i got to work… this sucker is from a quilt kit and line […]
some christmas sewing…
i have managed to eek out a few christmas sewing projects this year. barely. some placemats for derek’s mom. i scored the fabric on clearnce, last year after christmas, with her in mind. then, i forgot all about it. until i pulled out my christmas fabrics and it was all staring back at me. some […]
a quilt for CA.

at some point in november, i finished up a little patchwork quilt for my friend allison’s daughter. i think she’s planning to give it to her as a christmas gift. i don’t have much to say about it. it’s patchwork. it’s girly. i hid a few little surprises in the fabric choices, like a frozen […]
tinsel christmas quilt.

a LONG time ago, i bought a stack of cotton+steel tinsel fabric with great plans for christmas sewing. and then recently, i finished up this sucker: i was missing a few pieces and so it took me awhile to get started. once i secured all of the missing prints, i delayed on choosing a pattern […]
rainbow cascading wonky star quilt.

a super quick post about a recent quilting finish. awhile back, my friend danii asked (begged) for a quilt. i finally gave in and after some discussion settled on sticking with my guns and going for a rainbow wonky star cascade on a gray background. i started this sucker a way way way long time […]
two baby quilts.

i have two quilts to tell you about today… the first, was for our friends, the browns. i used to babysit their two daughters for a bit before hazel was born. they are also from western new york (and have since returned to buffalo and abandoned me in the south, but i’m not bitter). anyhow. […]
feather quilt

once upon a time, i bought a quarter yard bundle of field study. i made a big patchwork quilt with some of it. and the rest sat and sat. then, i had a baby and all things quilty were on hold. then, one day, last february, i emerged from the newborn fog and began to […]
a quilt for derek.

i’ve never made a quilt for derek. poor neglected husband. so this year, for christmas, i put an end to the streak. and made him this: when i saw the modern neutrals at sewingly yours, i knew they would make a perfect manly quilt. the small prints were perfect for a scrappy trip along. so […]
christmas sewing commissionzzzz

quick post. made a few items for other people to give as christmas gifts. first up. a set of four nifty little mug rugs for derek’s parents to give to their friend. she’s a “what do you get for the person who has everything” kind of person, so they figured they couldn’t go wrong with […]