ike writes

our big kindergartener has been coming home with lots (millions, really) of classwork everyday. my favorite things are the sentences and occasional accompanying illustration. he had to write a weather report one day. this is very scientific. playing with john. “never gonna catch me!” a full report about his birthday sleepover. ixiding. he loves penelope […]


yesterday was this guy’s birthday: i made him pose for various pictures in front of the chalkboard. i woke up early (well not really. i skipped the gym and actually woke up later. but i digress.) and made him bacon and pancakes. his favorite. and i made him eat in his underwear because i didn’t […]


some pictures. and stories. from our lives. lately. birthday party for shira. we got two new-to-us older barred rock hens to replace the two that lucy slaughtered a few weeks back. (plus one more that derek got just for fun, i guess). unfortunately, within a couple of days, they both died. still not 100% sure […]