so. obviously, last thursday was thanksgiving. also known as the arbitrary point in time in which christmas grumps give us christmas lovers the go ahead for our public displays of holiday cheer. (before thanksgiving, all holiday cheer much be in hiding). this years thanksgiving festivities took place at derek’s sister’s new house. and here in […]

i sucked at blogging in november. but, aside from the barrage of posts from yesterday, here’s what else has gone down. as per my usual, it’s mostly just instagram pics. hazel. cute. on a quilt. in the “good natural light” corner. lots of campfires in the chilly-ish nights. marshmallow roaster, extraordinaire. kitchen table quilt fortress […]
the week in (very few) pictures.

(i’m still pregnant. and bags are packed. and things are mostly clean. and so on. so, i am blogging.) we had thanksgiving at derek’s sister’s house. here’s the kidz table. it was very giggly. the cousins exchanged gifts (mostly because we got them a lego star wars advent calendar and we don’t have the family […]
birthdays and thanksgivings, etcetera.

and so here it is. another one of those catch all posts with a bunch of random pictures thrown together to bring this blog back to the present. you’re welcome. anytime. first, i’ll begin with this cute picture of anna. she is obsessed with cramming her hands into her pockets “just like charlie brown dos”. […]
christmas tree assembly.
my mom and grunkle frankles were here for thanksgiving and black friday. while we kept it pretty low key on the biggest shopping day of the year, we still went out to pick out a tree, all the way to downtown lewisville. woo. anyhow, we did a little time lapse video. [youtube_sc url=yLoRfNr60Cs width=560]
gingerbread boys

last week, for thanksgiving, the new york family traveled down for some festivities. we kept it pretty low key and easy. on thanksgiving day, we went out to michaels and picked up a gingerbread man decorating kit on the cheap and jake and isaac did a fantastic job of decorating them…
turkey cupcakes…

…for isaac’s class for their thanksgiving feast. (special thanks to amanda deaton who came over to lend a decorating hand and to claire ketner who occupied the lidkids so that i could accomplish this).
we had thanksgiving festivities at our house this year. pretty exciting. isaac was a little sleepy and/or sick to start the day, and spent the entire morning on the couch, like so: i just like this picture: trying to get all of paw paw’s great-grand-boys to sit still and take a picture. we […]
thanksgiving, black friday, and the long weekend…
we had a terrific thanksgiving. derek’s side of the family was all in attendance except for one cousin-in-law who had to work and kristen, darren, caison and preston who stayed home due to illness. oh, and derek’s dad who was in costa rica. we ventured out yesterday to shop. it wasn’t as bad as i […]
I love Autumn.
I do.I like leaves and crisp, cool weather.I like not mowing.I like Thanksgiving in the near future and Christmas on the horizon.I like my birthday.I like remembering autumns past.I like not needing a/c OR heat. I like needing a/c AND heat in the same day.I rather enjoy driving with my windows open (and so does […]