since we didn’t make it to ny all summer, we decided to head up for thanksgiving this year. when we homeschooled and then in covid and then when the schools gave a whole week for thanksgiving, it was a lot easier. but with kids in activities and work and my school, it was a little […]
thanksgiving in nc this year.

we have not celebrated thanksgiving in north carolina for quite a few years. first, it was because we had the freedom to do whatever when i homeschooled. then there was a sad lonely idiotic covid year. then, the next year, the kids had a super long break from school so we went to ny. and […]
another batavia thanksgiving. not another bills game.

for the last few years, except for that stupid covid year, we have been heading up to western new york for thanksgiving. last year, derek and frankles and i were able to attend a bills game on the sunday before thanksgiving week. when we were up for jakes wedding last summer, and since the bills […]
attempts at favorite aunt status. thanksgiving cookie edition.

in a desperate bid to win the designation as holden’s favorite aunt, i packed an arsenal of cookie decorating supplies for our trip to batavia for thanksgiving. my mom babysits him every monday, so i hyped him up for a full day of baking and decorating and he was all in. my diabolical plan for […]
giving thanks in batavia.not so much in buffalo.

when we put the older two kids in school, we knew it would mean that we would have to give up our vacation scheduling freedom, and that we would have to work around the school schedule. fortunately, for some reason, they had off the entire week of thanksgiving, so we didn’t have to cram in […]
november 2020. another pandemic month in the books.

after our big travel month of october, november was pretty chill. we are still in a pandemic and all, so there was a lot of home life during this month. sigh. my parents arrived just before halloween, so the first few days in november will filled with family fun. guitar hero, the simpsons, our second […]
being thankful in batavia.

now that we are (stuck) back in winston-salem, we are back to figuring out how to spend various holidays. i was determined to spend christmas in the stupid new house, because the ONLY time i ever missed having a house while we were on the road was christmastime. so, that made thanksgiving a perfect time […]
ws/nc. november.

well. we are home. there’s as much exciting stuff to post about, so i’m back to that old thing where i can cram a month’s worth of stuff into one boring post. at least i had a birthday and there was a thanksgiving in november, so there’s some bonus material that might not take place […]
not really all the fabulous, las vegas.

well. it’s been awhile. so much to catch up on. we rolled into 22 days ago. we stayed in a hotel for the first few days, while our camper was looked at for possible water damage. then we were back in the camper for a week, while we worked out the details with insurance and […]
lidbom thanksgiving and swedish christmas

i’m combining these two events into one post, because i am sooooo sooooo far behind in my blogging. firstly. we celebrated thanksgiving with derek’s uncle’s family. in the south, folks like to eat thanksgiving “dinner” at noon or earlier. i don’t get it and i never will. but, noon it was. since we were all […]