our first order of business in the white mountains of new hampshire was the flume gorge in franconia notch state park. it was sort of similar to the ausable chasm hike we had gone on in the adirondacks, both in expense ($$$$) and length and strenuousness. and since that hike was a raging success amongst […]
from the adk to the whites.

for the last week of our great northeastern summer adventure, we had a week booked in lincoln, new hampshire at a time share resort gifted to us by the grandlidboms for christmas. but i’m getting ahead of myself. first, we had to get there, with some stops along the way. we woke up bright and […]
hurricane mountainADK adventure #5

when we woke up to fantastic weather on our last day in the mountains of the adirondacks, i knew we had no other choice but to attempt the hike that we had originally planned for the first day. my pal, andrea, who i had hiked with a few days earlier, told me about hurricane mountain, […]
the wild center.ADK adventure #4.

after a couple of absolutely beautiful days, the scattered rains started back up again, so on our fourth day in the adirondacks, we opted for an indoor-ish activity. but first. before any folks in either of our respective families were even awake, this road life mom friend and i snuck out for a coffee, and […]
moms only hike.ADK adventure #3.

as i am sure you know by now, if you are a person who has read about our previous adventures on this blog or my instagram, whenever we are somewhere amazing for a few days, derek always tries to make sure that i have a day to do a longer, more epic hike. it works […]
ausable chasm and whiteface.ADK adventure #2

a long long time ago, when we were just starting to plan our trip to the adirondacks, i mentioned to a road life friend the dates that we would be there and we discovered that she and her family would be there at the same exact time. soooooo, we promptly scheduled an activity together, taking […]
stag brook falls.ADK adventure #1

well. there was a LOT of rain while we were in the northeast. like. record rains. and flooding. it was a mess. we had to plan accordingly and squeeze our outdoor plans into tight windows when the skies cleared up for a minute or two. we had originally planned a bigger hike for day one […]
adirondack experience

on our way to our next adirondack lodge, we stopped at the adirondack experience, a cool museum with tons of exhibits about the history and culture of the adirondacks. the first exhibit that we visited detailed how people traveled there over the years (and cleared all the snow)… of course we spent some time at […]
ithaca and utica pit stops.

as we traveled from the homeland of batavia to our next big desination (the adirondacks), we made two overnight stops, ithaca and utica. both places near and dear to my heart. first up. ithaca. on our way in from batavia, we first stopped in corning to check out the museum of glass. after that, we […]
corning museum of glass.

after our time in batavia, we began to make our way east. we had a few days to kill on our way to the adirondacks, and decided to detour through the finger lakes. our first stop was the corning museum of glass. we wandered around the exhibits for a little while. the kids weren’t super […]