after our time in sequim with jenn and brandy, we had a LONG drive around the puget sound and then back up to north cascades national park. this would be our first stop on a whirlwind week at north cascades, exploring seattle and then moving down to mount rainier (which is where i am typing […]
the rambling road show
non-olympic times at sequim bay and surrounding areas.

during our time staying at sequim bay state park, when we weren’t on olympic themed adventures, we spent a lot of time hanging with jenn and brandy. there was a LOT of craft time. watercolors with brandy. perler beads with cool kids. video games for nerds. perler beads with everyone. anna and brandy and matching […]
two trips to hurricane ridge.olympic national park.

firstly. a disclaimer. i really struggled with how to organize my thoughts and posts from olympic national park. between doing stuff just as a family and doing stuff with jenn and brandy, and that not necessarily being in chronological order, plus some random other stuff that happened in that week, it feels like total chaos. […]
sol duc and marymere falls.olympic national park.

on our first (and bonus day) on the north side of olympic national park, the weather was overcast and rainy, so we decided it would be a good day to find a rainforesty type of hike. there’s several actual rainforests in olympic, but the sol duc area is sort of on the edge of hoh […]
travel day detour to cape flattery.

when we left quileute (and it’s proximity to the closed down hoh rainforest) and traveled to a walmart in port angeles near our next campsite, our route took us around the northwest corner of the olympic peninsula. and since derek had to work anyways, we decided it was a good time to make a detour […]
ruby beach with the bigger two.olympic national park.

on our last day in quileute, i made the executive decision to take the big two kids to ruby beach, about an hour south of our campground. it’s part of olympic national park and is known for it’s pretty epic tide pools and haystack rocks. low tide was at 8:51 am, so we got on […]
a (mostly) rainy week in quileute.

so. it rains a lot in the pacific northwest. no surprise there. but it really really rains a lot on the coast near la push, washington. and we mostly chose this campground due to its proximity to the hoh rainforest, but on our hike to hole-in-the-wall, some friendly hikers informed us that a road had […]
hole-in-the-wall, rialto beach.olympic national park.

as soon as we moved from ocean city to our campground on the quileute reservation in la push, washington, we bundled up and loaded the kids in the car for a hike at rialto beach, which is part of olympic national park. our main motivation for rushing to this hike as soon as we arrived […]
ocean city times.

(warning. prepare yourself for a barrage of blog posts. i’ve got a lot of catching up to do.) when i last posted, we had just arrived in ocean city, washington. we only really had one main adventure while we were there, which was traveling into the closest corner of olympic national park and doing a […]
lake quinault adventures.

this might just be my fastest ever turnaround from doing a thing to posting about it. this past weekend, we moved further north up the coast, to ocean city washington. it’s not really near much of anything and there’s a dead whale on the beach at our campground, so, well, we are mostly laying low. […]