i only have 10 blog worthy pics from last week that weren’t from days we actually went out on cape cod. and that’s a stretch. most of these pics wouldn’t have made the cut in a normal week. but we were pretty lazy on our lazy days. there was a lot of campfiring. the wood […]
the rambling road show
cape cod friend reunion.

i’ve said it before, but one of the bonuses to this lifestyle is being able to meet up with old friends who i might otherwise never get to see again ever. on friday, we hooked up with one such person. my friend cathy, from my college days, now resides in cape cod, where her husband […]
cape cod national seashore.

we couldn’t very well stay at a place called “gateway to cape cod” without going out to cape cod, now could we. so, on one particularly nice day, after we had recovered from our busy weekend, we took off for the cape cod national seashore. the drive was a little long for us. it should […]
thomasland, edaville, usa

during my preliminary research into things to do near this campground, the edaville usa railroad popped up. i added it as a favorite and moved on. later, as derek did his own research, he dug a little further and discovered that inside the park, there is a thomas land, with all thomas the train themed […]
boston, day two.

after our luxurious night in our fancy pants hotel and a delicious continental breakfast, we got started on our second day of our boston adventures. first up, we walked to the boston tea party museum, which was only about 3 minutes from our hotel. but first, i took a detour to take pics of the […]
boston, day one.

last weekend, we had our biggest adventure so far, two days in boston. derek worked hard to create a two day long itinerary of educational adventures for the five of us. so, we woke up early friday and drove to beantown. we dropped the car off at the hotel, had some breakfast, and called an […]
providence, RI.

our second big adventure last week was a road trip to providence, rhode island. originally, i had planned to spend the day there when we had to take derek to the airport, except his flight was canceled and his new one was out of boston and his return flight to providence was late at night […]
ned’s point lighthouse adventure.

our first big adventure at this campground was taking off to explore some beaches and coastline. we chose a lighthouse as our first destination, with the possible backup plan of going swimming. ned’s point lighthouse wasn’t too far away, so we packed up for a quick viewing. i don’t think the kids really knew what […]
gateway to cape cod. week one. the “boring” parts.

ok. i am about to post six different posts about the last week of our adventure. we have been very busy doing lots of fun and exciting (and maybe even educational) things. but, first. let me post about the in between moments. in other words, i’ll be getting the boring post out of the way. […]
old sturbridge village x2.

i had to save this post for the last of my adventures in sturbridge, massachusetts posts, for one because it was taking a million years for my pics to go from my phone to the cloud. and for two, because it was taking another million years for derek to send me some pics that he […]