we started off our friday morning being lazy and watching tv. (our site has free cable!). then, with the promise of stopping at target on the way back, i convinced the lidkids to venture out to see another state capitol building. hartford was the closest, so that made our decision. off we went, in search […]
the rambling road show
bigelow hollow state park

our second week at sturbridge was a busy one. we only had one down/lazy day. i am not blogging these in order, mostly due to our terrible internet and i’m waiting to get some pictures from derek’s phone and it’s taking a million cyber light years. so, i’ll begin with a trip we took on […]
single mom in sturbridge mass.

**warning: this post is mega-long** the spot we finally decided on in sturbridge was next to the beach/lake, store/office, pool and rec area. it’s pretty convenient, even if strangers tend to feel very comfortable taking a shortcut through our site to get to any of these places. (and messing with our stuff…) lakeside: being next […]
the third and final week in accord. thankfully.

our third week in accord (and our last week in new york state) started off with car trouble, as mentioned in the previous post. so, we were stuck to the campground, while derek handled overseeing the repair of our trusty steed. on sunday, since we had a late start getting to the pool, all of […]
albany field trip.

the one positive for staying in one park for more than a week is that we can plan big family trips for the weekend days, instead of packing up and traveling. i’m sure derek feels the same. so on saturday, we decided to head to albany, for a family field trip. on the way in, […]
accord new york, week two.

i didn’t think it was possible, but our second week in accord was even more lazy than our first. we kicked if off by heading back to the pool. i don’t remember why hazel was sad. probably because i told her to stop running. sunbathers. the kids have been spending a lot of time at […]
suny tech reunion at lake taghkanic.

one of the best parts about road life is being able to connect with old friends who are scattered around the country. that happened last sunday when i was able to meet up with three friends from my college days at suny tech. to be exact, it was an old soccer and softball teammate and […]
accord new york, week one.

we have been extra lazy at our new spot. we are here for three weeks. it’s a nice campground. the kids are tired of having daily epic adventures. there’s not a TON to do in the immediate vicinity. so, lazy it is. lots of legos. our site is close to the pool. and it’s been […]
travel day. ithaca to accord.

after our two nights in ithaca, we spent a very slow morning getting ready to head to our next spot in accord, ny. while we packed up, the kids colored the balloons from wegmans with crayola markers, with made for some super messy kiddos. of course we left some stuff out to dry overnight and […]

our stay in watkins glen state park ended on a friday morning and since we didn’t want to a) have derek use personal time to drive to our next spot and b) leave the finger lakes area, we hopped 45 minutes over to a campsite in ithaca for a couple of days. derek went straight […]