like clockwork, every year for the last nine (ten, really) holiday seasons, the christmas preparations and festivities are temporarily interrupted to focus on the birthday of one, hazel grace lidbom. this year, she insisted on keeping with the christmas vibes for her party theme, and requested a christmas unicorn cake. of course, i didn’t just […]
ribbon candy-esque christmas quilt

a few months back (i think?), i was scrolling around on the internets, when i happened upon the christmas in the city fabric collection by art gallery fabrics. i was in love. the vintage vibes. the colors. all of it. and i ordered it immediately with no real plan for what to make with it. […]
miscellany in novembery.

november is my favorite. maybe because i have a birthday right in the middle. but also because the weather is cooling off. thanksgiving is fun. and christmas is right around the corner. here’s what was happening this november, when i wasn’t quilting, making cakes, or visiting western new york… in very exciting home improvement and […]
another batavia thanksgiving. not another bills game.

for the last few years, except for that stupid covid year, we have been heading up to western new york for thanksgiving. last year, derek and frankles and i were able to attend a bills game on the sunday before thanksgiving week. when we were up for jakes wedding last summer, and since the bills […]
attempts at favorite aunt status. thanksgiving cookie edition.

in a desperate bid to win the designation as holden’s favorite aunt, i packed an arsenal of cookie decorating supplies for our trip to batavia for thanksgiving. my mom babysits him every monday, so i hyped him up for a full day of baking and decorating and he was all in. my diabolical plan for […]
the most important cake i’ve ever made.

i’ve made wedding cakes. baby shower cakes. and so many birthday cakes. i’ve made huge cakes. and very elaborate cakes. but i’ve never stressed over a cake more than this one. at the end of october, i was contacted by a family who had gotten my name from the folks i had made the baby […]
floral cakery times two.

after making a floral cupcake bouquet an event at the quilt shop i now work at, my friend/coworker, cynthia requested a cake for a birthday party she was throwing for a friend. the thing is, she’s an amazing baker herself, so we decided upon a collaboration. she made the cake layers. and i made the […]
october twenty twenty two.

and now. for the general happenings in october post. the non travel, non cake, non quilt, non adventure happenings. to kick things off, i’ll begin with a little campfire cookout smores type party we had for the kiddos. there was chili too. but i have no photographic evidence. just these pics of the smore’s table […]
mobile halloween cookie decorating

as we were preparing for our long weekend in blowing rock, i had the bright idea that it might be fun to decorate cookies, as an alternative activity to staring at our phones at all weekend. hazel helped me bake up a bunch of sugar cookies in a variety of halloween shapes and i carefully […]
grandfather mountain hiking adventure.

derek’s parents generously gifted us a weekend at a resort in blowing rock for the last weekend of october. my only request (demand) was that we plan one outdoor activity, and not just end up eating out and shopping the entire time. derek did the research and settled on a hike at grandfather mountain. before […]