all the happenings in january. guacamole hazel. cupcake-juicebox hazel. play-doh anna. a new giant box came in the mail. anna moved in. isaac sorted markers for her to decorate with. waffle maker helper hazel. i’m told this is princess elsa. flat play-doh version. hazel is terrible at her cheerio book. anna the painter. princess elsa […]
december. the first half.
december. so busy. we kicked it off this year with a park playdate on a beautiful day. hazel is currently in full wrecker mode. she prowls around the house, looking for opportunities. her favorite go-to’s is the book shelf. she is fast. and stealthy. went up to check on kids the other night before bedtime. […]
mountain getaway.
last weekend, we made a semi-spontaneous trip to the mountains for a little family getaway. we started it out by turning hazel’s seat around. she’s a few days shy of one, but not if you count from her due date. actually, i think the law might be two years old now. which is ridiculous. anyhooo… […]
i sucked at blogging in november. but, aside from the barrage of posts from yesterday, here’s what else has gone down. as per my usual, it’s mostly just instagram pics. hazel. cute. on a quilt. in the “good natural light” corner. lots of campfires in the chilly-ish nights. marshmallow roaster, extraordinaire. kitchen table quilt fortress […]
30 days has september. but this post is about the first 24.
35 pictures from the last 24 days… i’ll start off with a visit to anna’s classroom for “muffins with moms”. she is such a perfect little student. she loves school. muffins with mom selfie. just hazel, hamming it up. football started. to celebrate, hazel and i took a sunday afternoon nap on the couch. hazelbaby […]
august miscellaneousness.
june and july rolled by fast. and then. it was august. and there were beach preparations. and school preparations. and, well, without further ado, here’s 25 pictures from auguest. anna picked out this fantastic light up backpack for school. park playdate. before the friends arrived. a moment of getting along. this girl can stand. from […]
pre family beach trip catch up post.
ok. get ready for one zillion pictures. then, i’m going to try to make sure nothing fun or picture worthy happens in the next two days. because on saturday, we pack up and our little family of five will head to the beach. and you can be sure that i will be over facebooking, instagramming […]
merlot and van gogh.
my friend (and quilt mom) kim and her (actual) daughter casey had the super fantastic idea to have a group party at merlot and van gogh. you go. drink some wine. and paint a picture. the place where the magic takes place is right next door to burke street pizza. home of the best ever […]
random summer happenings.
other than our beach trip and our ny trip, we haven’t been doing much this summer. it’s way harder to do things with the treacherous trio that i had ever imagined. i think their age difference plays into that. but, mostly, we just hang out around the house and such. here’s a photo filled post […]
the “it’s finally spring” edition of my bi-weekly catch up posts.
we’ve been keeping pretty busy around here. my little artist anna keeps making fun pictures. this is a blue alligator in the making. since we are down to seven chickens, i decided they could live inside the coop for awhile and our yard (and deck) could finally be free of chicken poop. it will also […]