this morning, we bid farewell to our “hometown” of winston-salem after a five week visit with derek’s parents. we stayed in their driveway, and overtook their house. we completed some camper fixes and upgrades. we purged some clothes and toys and added new clothes and toys. we ate a lot. celebrated a lot. and spent […]
from hershey to home.
sorry for the very long overdue blogging. but this post will mostly explain why… when i left off, my parents were leaving us in hershey on a sunday morning. that afternoon, derek packed up to head out of town for a few days for work and we took him to the airport in philadelphia. it […]
the crayola experience.
on thursday, i took the girls to “the crayola experience”. it’s about an hour away in easton, pa, which is where the crayola factory is. who doesn’t love crayola. anna the artist was so excited. hazel too. isaac didn’t want to go. so he spent a long and boring day at the camper with derek. […]
gateway to cape cod. week one. the “boring” parts.
ok. i am about to post six different posts about the last week of our adventure. we have been very busy doing lots of fun and exciting (and maybe even educational) things. but, first. let me post about the in between moments. in other words, i’ll be getting the boring post out of the way. […]
ohio. week 2.
once again, i find myself playing blog catch up. so despite it being a beautiful day, i’m going to attempt to race through a few posts from the inside of our warm tin can camper. i’ll begin by wrapping up our second week in ohio. we were pretty lazy on the day after our cuyahoga […]
the final week of the trial run.
we are home now. we got home last saturday. it took a few days to actually unload everything, which includes this computer. so, i have a wee bit of catching up to do. but, since our last week was relatively uneventful, i can wrap it up in two posts. this is the everyday life post. […]
november miscellany.
here’s my month installment of random happenings. i still have to go back and write a thanksgiving-ish post. and a post about the latest development in our lives. in due time. in due time. for now. a quick run through my favorite month of the year. 🙂 lego lab at the library with josiah. isaac’s […]
may. a belated post.
it’s been a bit crazy around here for the last little bit. (end of school, new computer and i’m playing a giant game of bloggy catchup. we head to the beach saturday, and i will obviously have about 40 things to blog about that, so hopefully i’ll be all caught up before then. first up. […]
the april post.
ugh. i started this post on may 1. but it’s been a bit crazy around here with projects and school parties and anna’s birthday!!! (that post to come. soon. maybe.) anyhow. rewind about 40 days and that’s where this post begings. park day with friends. anna, swinging with her bff, natalie. the crazel. hazel and […]
belated (mostly instagrams) march post.
beware: this post contains 45 pictures from the lid kid month of march. we kicked off march with derek and isaac heading out of town to a wedding, so i just had the girls. which meant anna watched a lot of frozen and slept in the bed with me and dressed like a princess and […]