when we returned from “the most sincere pumpkin patch” — we wandered over to the beach, where the lake folk were having a clam bake. the kiddos played in the sand, while we ate some sea creatures. later, there was a bit of excitement, when we managed to capture a frog from the “pond” of […]
a fall visit to the homeland. part 1.
i graduated high school in 1994. so, last year, we attempted a 20 year reunion. it fell through. and was rescheduled for this year. a 21st reunion. scheduled for last weekend. so, we loaded up the lid kids and back up to batavia, new york we went. i have been to ny twice and florida […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 5. (the last one!!)
welcome to my final post about our trip to ny! i think at this point it’s thursday on our second week. jake had the day off (a rarity). and i’m pretty sure it was rainy and gross. so we had a lazy day. and i made jake pick us up some subs. from southside. i […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 4.
monday of week 2. a lazy day. we went to the beach to swim a bit. and ike practiced all of his diving board tricks. i don’t know what else we did. but, this is the last pic of the day. napping hazel. on tuesday, we were back at the beach, but this time with […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 3. the july fourth edition.
we had a lazy day with eliot and my mom off on friday. i think. because there’s no pictures except for a handful from the beach. like this. and this. and some kayaking. and that’s pretty much it for friday. saturday was the fourth of july. again, i have no pictures to help me piece […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 2.
so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
pilgrimage to the homeland. part 1.
well well. i was all proud of myself for catching up on my blogging. and then i let this ny trip sit and sit. and then all of july happened. and we went on a mini vacation to the mountains. and we leave for the beach in a couple of days, so then i’ll have […]
the sad trip home.
on the morning of isaac’s birthday, my mom called to tell me that my uncle ray passed away in the night. he’s my mom’s mom’s brother. and we were all very close, growing up. i’ll save his story for another post, but for now, here’s the tale of our sad adventure home, to bid him […]
july 4th and our last day in batavia.
so, in batavia, on the fourth of july, there’s an extravaganza in centennial park all afternoon. i haven’t been to it in years upon years, but this year, we decided to give it a go. i totally should have taken a panoramic shot of all of the festivities. there’s music. and crafty vendors. bounce houses. […]
food and friends. batavia and williamsville.
we continued our western new york eating tour by hitting up the pok-a-dot for some beef on weck and gravy fries. (for newer readers of this blog, my gramma, mom and i all worked at the pok-a-dot. a lot of memories. and old friendly faces. i think it’s a national treasure. no? it should be.) […]