not much to report from around here. if you follow me on instagram, this will mostly be redundant. but, there’s a few new pictures thrown in… i don’t know if i’m overlapping other posts, but i’m too lazy to look back and see… anna and lucy. anna got this little drawing board for christmas, from […]
eggs!!!! (instagram style).
on wednesday, we were pleasantly surprised to find our first egg waiting for us in the nesting boxes. we’re pretty sure that chickensarahpowers (the rhode island red) is the proud mom. we weren’t really sure when to expect eggs because we’ve heard different things about how the cold of winter affects their egg production and […]
stuff and things.
not much to report around here. it felt like i had a ton to post about, but then i looked through my pictures since last weekend when we put up the tree and there were like 10 total pictures taken. one of them was of this cute butt. in underpants. because the girl is potty […]
miscellaneous happenings.
not much exciting to report around here. we’ve been watching a ridiculous amount of “it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown” and have now moved onto “a charlie brown thanksgiving”. i’m hoping to get through halloween before we have to bust out “a charlie brown christmas”… (we did have one sneak peak already. :/) anyhooo… here’s […]
some pictures. and stories. from our lives. lately. birthday party for shira. we got two new-to-us older barred rock hens to replace the two that lucy slaughtered a few weeks back. (plus one more that derek got just for fun, i guess). unfortunately, within a couple of days, they both died. still not 100% sure […]
a feeble attempt to cover the last few weeks.
when i went to post the back to school post, i realized it’s been quite a long time since my last post. then, i started a miscellaneous post and realized that i hadn’t posted pics of the coop or discussed the tragic details of the lucy-chicken incident. so, those events aside, i am now posting […]
another poultry post.
the coop has been done for awhile and the chickens moved in permanently earlier this month. lucy terrorizes them in their coop/run, chasing them from one side to the other. anna enjoys playing in the coop. so does ike. and anna likes having them contained so she can catch them easily. we let them out […]
chicken love
the fluffy baby chicks are getting big fast. they’re getting feathery and are able to fly up and around for a few seconds. the lidkids were a little afraid of them at first, but are getting used to them. isaac still hates when they flutter about unpredictably, and runs away screaming. we are starting to […]
super playdate mania
ever since the chickens have arrived, we’ve had a lot of playdates. who would have thought some fuzzy little poultry could make us so popular. 🙂 (disclaimer: it’s not that the people who have come over only like us for our chickens. they come over all the time. just not so many in a row. […]
for awhile now, we’ve been trying to feed our kids better stuff. shop local. blah blah. and then, one fateful day, the topic of getting our own chickens came up. after much research (mostly by derek), we dove in. on monday, this box arrived: anna was psyched. they were so very cute and fuzzy. and […]