we knew that for one of derek’s days off while we were in the outer banks, we wanted to make the long cruise down to ocracoke, to check things out. it’s about an hour or so to the hatteras-ocracoke ferry from our campground, so we obviously stopped for duck donuts along the way. (the girls […]
long september. pandemic month seven.

our september was verrrrry uneventful. no trips. no adventures. just regular life. well. regular-ish. you know. because we are still in coranavirus covid quarantine pandemic lockdown. school has continued to be more of a “just keep up with math and wordly wise and listen to me do one chapter of a read aloud and then […]
monthly non-adventure post, july edition.

another month of pandemic life has come and gone. things are still sort of opened, but now cases are back on the increase, so no one knows what to make of anything anymore. it’s madness. but somehow, the month still managed to fly by, maybe because we are used to it at this point. all […]
a conglomeration of nonadventure outings.

during our week at green mountain rv in lenoir, we mostly went on cool outdoor adventures. but, we also had a couple of days where we just visited blowing rock and boone. our first stop was to check out the place where derek and i got married, once upon a time. the time was 2001, […]
miami again.(and the end of our vacation, sigh).

on our way out of the keys, we stopped at shell world, where anna picked out one million different shells to bring back to her personal hoard of memorabilia, and isaac and hazel spent their money on overpriced tourist candy. back on the mainland, our first stop was to head back over to robert is […]
key west. revisited.

the weather for our second day in the keys was the same as our first, exceptionally windy, so we had to stick to land bound activities. we hadn’t planned on visiting key west again on this trip, but with a shortage of options, we decided to give it another go. our first stop was to […]
charleston. last moments.

after three days (one, two, three) of pretty great adventures and excursions, our charleston trip was winding down. on our last evening, we partook in some local flavors. obviously i had to have a praline. (the kids went with fudge) and derek cooked up some local caught fish. i also strolled over to harris teeter […]
charleston. day three.mcleod plantation, angel tree, tea.

for our final full day in charleston, we headed to james island, where we took a tour of the mcleod plantation. derek had done a lot of research, and of the remaining plantations in charleston, mcleod is the only one that really focuses on the lives of the slaves and their descendants during their time […]
december 2019 miscellany.

firstly. let me go ahead and throw this out there. this post is disorganized and all over the place. i did my best to group like activities and such. but mostly, it’s just 100% random. but that’s sort of how our december was, i suppose. our first order of business in december was procuring a […]
being thankful in batavia.

now that we are (stuck) back in winston-salem, we are back to figuring out how to spend various holidays. i was determined to spend christmas in the stupid new house, because the ONLY time i ever missed having a house while we were on the road was christmastime. so, that made thanksgiving a perfect time […]