in november, i turned 43. sounds very old when i say it out loud or see it in writing. like a grownup, even. anyhooooo. the derek and the kids kicked off my birthday morning but going out and picking up a starbucks peppermint mocha and bagel station salt bagels and chive cream cheese. so good. […]
acadia. day seven.all the maine foods and last hurrah.

sigh. our last day in acadia. we had done most of the things we wanted to do. it was rainy and cold. our dietary restrictions had been lifted. and we were ready to have a maine themed day of feasting. first up, jordan’s restaurant. it is one of the top reviewed places to partake in […]
acadia. day six.ocean path, part two. (and yummy food).

day six at acadia kicked off pretty low key. we lounged around the camper for awhile being quite lazy, deciding what to do with our day. on the previous day, when i was riding the bus back to camp after my precipice hike, we passed thunder hole, where there was loud claps of waves crashing […]
acadia. day harbor tide pools and seafood.

when we were planning out trip, the top attraction for anna was tide pooling. we carefully studied a tide chart and the weather forecast and determined that the best day for our excursion was our second day on the trip. (last time, we were caught in a crazy storm and it was not lovely). the […]
boring august.

you would think that since we are no longer traveling and i don’t have to squeeze blogging in amongst various amazing and epic adventures, that i would be able to keep up with it better. you would think. anyhoooo. it’s only 11 days into september (edited: 19 days) and i’m finally getting to the august […]
back on the road.great smoky mountain national park.

when we decided to settle, it was our hope that we would still be able to travel a bit. so, after two months in the house, we packed up the rv to take a long weekend adventure just down the road, at great smoky mountain national park. it was very different getting ready for this […]
may miscellany. a wee bit of april, too.

well. i’m up to the end of may with my blogging catchup. now it’s time for that one post that details the random bits of our life that don’t fit into a post. they aren’t adventures. they aren’t tales of new dogs or new houses or quilts or birthdays. they are regular life things, mostly. […]
a kitten and baby themed trip to batavia.

we weren’t home in winston-salem for very long before we took off (in the car only) to batavia new york for a little visit. we had planned the trip when we still thought we would go back on the road and it was looking like the only chance to see my baby brother’s brand new […]
last days in sc. and on the road.

now it’s time for that random post that i make every now and then to catch up on the less adventurous parts of our travels. only this one is much more bittersweet. because it’s the last time we would be on the road in our rv. and the memories are of a time of stress […]
savannah adventures.slave quarters, forts, museums, food, farmers markets, shopping.

the final stop on the lidbom rambling roadshow (although we didn’t know it at the time) was a little place in yemassee, south carolina. it’s sort of located between charleston and savannah, so our plan was to do a bit of exploring in each spot. we ended up mostly sticking to savannah, though, because on […]