whelp. february is a wrap. concluding the 24th month of covid. or. two years if we are counting in years, which if you had told me we would have in march 2020, i might have had a nervous breakdown. anyways. enough about that. you know about that. here’s the happenings around these parts, in no […]
giving thanks in batavia.not so much in buffalo.
when we put the older two kids in school, we knew it would mean that we would have to give up our vacation scheduling freedom, and that we would have to work around the school schedule. fortunately, for some reason, they had off the entire week of thanksgiving, so we didn’t have to cram in […]
quarantine in batavia.(quarantine with holden)
after my time in covid jail, we had the girls tested twice, four days apart. and even though both times were negative and we hadn’t had anyone show covid symptoms, anna was still required by her school to quarantine for another full week. we decided the best course of action was to take a spontaneous […]
rocky mountain national park.days four and five. low key. hike free.
our big planned rocky mountain national park event with the grandlidboms was a drive along some of trail ridge road, aka: the highway to the sky. the road crosses (winds) through the park, maxing out at 12,186′ elevation, with breathtaking views in every direction. we fired up one of the guided tour apps and piled […]
rocky mountain national park.day two. emerald lake.
i wasn’t kidding. after our 5.6 or so mile hike to mills lake on our first day, we turned around and hit the trails again on day two. the grandlidboms were set to arrive that night for a couple of days, so i wanted to cram in all the things i could before they were […]
first stop. batavia, new york.
well. here i go. attempting to catch up on the backlog of some fifty or so blog posts, dating back to the end of may. i had high hopes of keeping up with it while we went on our epic summer road trip, but that turned out to be sort of laughable due to the […]
what i remember about may (2021).
whelp. i find myself in a familiar predicament. i’m so far behind on my blog (it’s september 20th as i type this), that i’m overwhelmed with the prospect of catching up. we packed so much in this summer, it’s going to be hard to remember details, but i will do my best. but, before summer, […]
easter-ish, including a family gathering, indoors!
And now, for this year’s Easter festivities and shenanigans. First off. Anna and I signed up for a natural dyeing workshop at the Village Fabric Shop. We had debated doing our own natural dyeing, but it seemed rather labor intensive, so when this opportunity presented itself, we gladly forked over the cash for the chance […]
april in quarantine.
at the start of april, time was seemingly standing still. the days were incredibly long. and it was hard to remember what day it actually was. we were still doing school. and arts and crafts. and dance. but the daily monotony was getting old. i busted out some clearance crafts that i picked up when […]
grandlidbom 50th!and related craziness.
as soon as christmas was in our rearview mirror, and we had recovered mostly from various illnesses, we began planning to host derek’s parents fiftieth wedding anniversary party at our house. i acquired generous amounts of sprinkles and golden decor at post christmas clearance sales. and everything was set. and then mayhem struck. the night […]