shortly after our last rv trip, like i’m talking just a few days after we arrived home, the world came to a screeching halt, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. when i think back to the news trickling in while we were in miami, it all seems so surreal. anyways, since our return, the camper has […]
march.(quarantine begins).

towards the end of our time in florida, the concern over the coronavirus was just picking up. we definitely gave a little extra thought to the fact that we were in a city with an international airport. but mostly, we had no idea that things were about to get real crazy real fast. when we […]
febz. 2020.

i think we can all agree at this point, that if i’m working on my february post on the last day of march, that’s a good pace for me. so here goes. the random life and times of the lidbom kids during the last month before the apocalypse happened. first up. the superbowl. a tom […]
all the other january stuff.

we kicked off january 2020 fighting a stupid nasty cough and cold. there were a lot of fluids and drugs and napping people. it was meh. eventually we were all on the mend and regular old life resumed. lots of lounging around. arts and crafts. games. you know. randomness. for christmas, my mom got me […]
back on the road.great smoky mountain national park.

when we decided to settle, it was our hope that we would still be able to travel a bit. so, after two months in the house, we packed up the rv to take a long weekend adventure just down the road, at great smoky mountain national park. it was very different getting ready for this […]
last days in sc. and on the road.

now it’s time for that random post that i make every now and then to catch up on the less adventurous parts of our travels. only this one is much more bittersweet. because it’s the last time we would be on the road in our rv. and the memories are of a time of stress […]
the isaaczilla turns 12.

while we were in winston-salem, in january, the boy had his twelfth birthday. it seems like just a couple of minutes ago i was bringing him home from the hospital, but alas, it’s been a dozen years. it’s going by quickly and isaac has always been, shall we say, “spirited”, giving us a run for […]
january miscellany in ws/nc.

just after christmas, we decided that rather than hang out in winston-salem for the rest of dreary winter, we were going to head south to florida at the end of january. then, we made an even bigger decision to just get back on the road entirely, for at least another year and a half, while […]
raleigh, by train.

for christmas, we asked for folks to give the gift of experiences to the lidkids, instead of stuff to fill our camper. the grandlidboms, who love to ride trains, gave us the gift of an amtrak train trip to raleigh, where we would be able to go to a museum or two, have some lunch, […]
camp jackson.

on our travel day, from seaside to ocean city, we decided to take a big detour and visit our friends, the jacksons, who were staying about an hour and a half away. jenn planned an epic day of fun and sugar for the lidkids, making this their favorite travel day pit stop of all time. […]