our current campground is pretty much right next door to garden of the gods, which is like the number one rated park in america or something. so, yesterday, when derek was done with work, we hopped on over for a quick visit. i won’t bore you with trying to caption all of these pictures. basically, […]
mothers day at pikes peak.
for mothers day, we decided to drive up to the top of pikes peak, a 14,000+ foot snow capped mountain overlooking colorado springs. we were pleasantly surprised when we got to the tollbooth and were informed that moms were free, saving us $15 (which we then turned around and spent on overpriced souvenirs). the drive […]
great sand dunes national park.
when we realized that we would be sort of kind of passing near great sand dunes national park, we knew we would take a detour and spend at least a day, even if we camped out in a nearby walmart. but, our internet free campsite caused us to make a hasty exit and we found […]
the last few weeks of miscellany.
after we left santa fe, we went to a campground (villanueva state park) that was in the middle of nowhere and had no internet/cell. we stayed a night before finding a spot that was mostly in the middle of nowhere (springer, nm) but DID have internet. the next week, we went to sugarite canyon, which […]
capulin volcano national monument
due to being either pretty busy or lacking internet for the last few weeks, i have fallen quite behind in my blogging. but never fear, a flurry of blog posts is on the horizon. firstly. our trip to capulin volcano a couple of weeks ago. we were staying at a state park, in raton, where […]
fort union national monument.
originally, we had planned to stay in a state park this week. we arrived, only to discover it was nestled in a narrow canyon. it was really beautiful, but internet was scarce. and by scarce, i mean non-existent. which doesn’t work for us, because derek has to work to support this lifestyle. so, we had […]
pecos national historical park.
on our travel day to exotic (sarcasm) springer, new mexico, we stopped for a field trip to pecos national historical park. it is yet another pueblo ruin, once inhabited by local native folks, who were taken over and run off by europeans in the 1500s-ish. we stopped in the visitor center to pick up some […]
the house of eternal return. (meow wolf).
when we were in albuquerque, at the science museum, i found myself chatting with on of the employees about our trip. when i told her we were heading to santa fe, she told us about a place that hadn’t popped onto my radar in my internet searches, called meow wolf. she said it was a […]
santa fe. with friends and family.
we just finished up a whirlwind week in santa fe, where my mom and terry flew in to stay with their friend david/dash, who moved away from their hood a few years ago. we met them saturday and quickly made our way to the plaza in downtown santa fe. we were pretty much starving, so […]
bandelier national monument
warning. this post contains a billion (or 46) photos. and i exercised great restraint while choosing. i promise. on saturday morning, we departed from the walmart albuquerque and headed to a campground in santa fe. my mom had flown out the day before and was staying with her friend dash from horseshoe lake, batavia, ny. […]