sigh. our last day in acadia. we had done most of the things we wanted to do. it was rainy and cold. our dietary restrictions had been lifted. and we were ready to have a maine themed day of feasting. first up, jordan’s restaurant. it is one of the top reviewed places to partake in […]
acadia. day six.ocean path, part two. (and yummy food).

day six at acadia kicked off pretty low key. we lounged around the camper for awhile being quite lazy, deciding what to do with our day. on the previous day, when i was riding the bus back to camp after my precipice hike, we passed thunder hole, where there was loud claps of waves crashing […]
acadia. day five.precipice and general maintenance.

on our first trip to acadia, i was too chicken to hike the precipice trail. but, after making our way around the country, doing more strenuous and dangerous hikes, and consulting with folks who have done the same, i felt confident in my precipice hiking abilities. so, on day five, i ditched the fam and […]
acadia. day four.bee hive, sand beach, ocean path.

on our first trip to acadia, three years ago, i hiked the beehive trail alone. from the moment we booked this trip, anna has been plotting and planning all of her adventures, and hiking the beehive with me was on the top of her list. so, on day four, we all hopped on the shuttle, […]
acadia. day three.schoodic peninsula

on our third day in acadia, we packed up the lidkids and ruby dog and drove the hour-ish commute over to the schoodic peninsula. it’s a lesser known/visited part of the park and we have had it on our list since our last trip to acadia. the drive around the peninsula is a one way […]
acadia. day harbor tide pools and seafood.

when we were planning out trip, the top attraction for anna was tide pooling. we carefully studied a tide chart and the weather forecast and determined that the best day for our excursion was our second day on the trip. (last time, we were caught in a crazy storm and it was not lovely). the […]
acadia. day one.bubbles, jordan pond, bass harbor lighthouse.

after a good night’s sleep, we wasted no time getting out and adventuring on our first day in acadia. we drove to the jordan pond house parking lot and then hopped on a shuttle to take us to the bubbles trailhead. this way, we could do a longer hike and see more and not have […]
road trip to maine.

well. i’m obviously a million months behind in blogging. years even. decades. ha. well, here goes. another frantic attempt to catch up. when i left off, we were wrapping up september. october was quite an exciting month, as we kicked things off with a road trip to acadia national park. since we currently reside in […]
baxter state park (maine).

for our last great maine adventure, derek took off work so we could spend a day hiking and canoeing in baxter state park. but first, we needed to fill up on a big fat lunch at a local restaurant. i’m glad we did, because we were able to purchase a trail map while we were […]
debsconeag lakes wilderness area

for our final week in maine, we were in the middle of the state, also in the middle of nowhere, at a cute little campsite, where the internet was terrible, the air was crisp, and we were the only campers. we laid pretty low most of the week, except for the first and last days […]