initially, our travel plans for october took up the entire month, so we weren’t planning on much halloween decorating. but we came home a week early, so the obvious choice was to go all out decorating for halloween and/or fall. the girls and i went to a little farm stand in lewisville (rogers nursery) where […]
new gramma
batavia, during quarantine.

as previously mentioned, in my letchworth post, a couple of weeks ago, the lidkids and i loaded up to head to batavia, to visit my mom, and break up the monotony of the quarantine. the drive was remarkably uneventful. we stopped twice. both time with little fanfare. and there was no traffic and smooth sailing. […]
letchworth state park.

last week-ish, the kids and i loaded up and headed to western ny to visit fam and have a little change of scenery. my mom was able to take a few days off work, and on one particularly lovely day, we drove out to letchworth state park to “hike” and be in the sunshine and […]
being thankful in batavia.

now that we are (stuck) back in winston-salem, we are back to figuring out how to spend various holidays. i was determined to spend christmas in the stupid new house, because the ONLY time i ever missed having a house while we were on the road was christmastime. so, that made thanksgiving a perfect time […]
girls weekend to batavia.
bear with me as i attempt to play blog catchup and remember details about events that happened long ago and far away. at some point in september, the girls and i took a spontaneous trip to batavia, to visit my mom while my stepdad was out of town. my sisters planned to come out for […]
just july things…

i lied. as with june, there wasn’t a lot going on around here in july. i mean. we went on a hike. and my parents came. but mostly. it was more of the same. i suppose i should get used to it. to kick things off, ill cover the less exciting bits of the not […]
a kitten and baby themed trip to batavia.

we weren’t home in winston-salem for very long before we took off (in the car only) to batavia new york for a little visit. we had planned the trip when we still thought we would go back on the road and it was looking like the only chance to see my baby brother’s brand new […]
batavia, new york christmas. 2018.

since we were back on the east coast for the holidays, and derek’s family was all departing for different locations, we decided we would take this mess up north, to spend christmas with my family in western new york. so, on the friday evening before christmas, we packed up the camper and dropped it off […]
hogle zoo and the last day with new gramma.

due to a slight miscommunication while planning, my mom’s flight out of salt lake city was a day later than we were scheduled to be at our campground. so, while derek drove the camper to the next location, we (kids, me, mom) headed to slc for a last day of adventure, before hanging in a […]
pumpkin patch extravaganza.

last year, we were pretty much in the desert and away from civilization for the entire fall, so we missed out on the full pumpkin patch experience. this year, we were in salt lake city in the weeks before halloween, and with my mom coming out for some of that time, we figured we should […]