aside from our 10 day trip to western new york, august was pretty uneventful. leading up to the trip, we were getting ready for it. and when we got back, we moved into back to school mode. nothing very exciting, so proceed at your own risk (of boredom). firstly, in baking related news, anna has […]
the semi-miscellany of june.

this june was a pretty good one. we had an epic last hurrah in the rv in west virginia (previously posted). and we took an inaugural camping trip with our new fancy tent and gear to hanging rock (future post). but here’s all the other fun stuff that happened in june. well. and not so […]
annababy’s cookie cake teacher gifts.

if you follow along on my blog at all, you’ll know that anna has been making cookie cakes for a little business venture lately. you’ll also know that she has loved her first year in public school and REALLY loves her teachers. so, for an end of year gift, she wanted to make them each […]
other december happenings, including christmas.

and now, for my standard monthly recap, minus the things that were exciting enough (or i had too many picture of) to have their own posts (hazel’s cake, her birthday, christmas baking, and a quilt). turns out, there’s still a lot to talk about. firstly, anna decided to try out for her middle school basketball […]
the random happenings of october ’21

let me kick things off with the two big lidkids official school photos. it’s been quite a few years since our last school photos (anna was in kindergarten and isaac still rocked a bowtie in third grade). of course this is the year that mullets made a comeback. football season is also in full swing, […]
quarantine in batavia.(quarantine with holden)

after my time in covid jail, we had the girls tested twice, four days apart. and even though both times were negative and we hadn’t had anyone show covid symptoms, anna was still required by her school to quarantine for another full week. we decided the best course of action was to take a spontaneous […]
september twenty twenty one.

september was a really hard month. we had a close friend who lost their son to suicide. it is the single worst thing i have ever watched someone have to go through. it has cast a sadness over everything. before all of this, anna and i had ourselves a perfect saturday. first, we hit up […]
august mayhem.

well. our epic summer road trip had to come to a close eventually, and we rolled back up to the stupid new house in early/mid-august. we had originally planned to spend a bit more time on the road, but as covid cases began to turn the midwest red, we scooted through that area a little […]
so, you wanna be a working mother?

Whelp. It’s time for my monthly semi-annual barrage of blog posts. And what better post to start with than the one that explains (for the most part) my absence. Just before Christmas last year, I received a phone call from a former assistant principal that I taught with at Forbush, back before the Lidkids all […]
all the other january stuff.

we kicked off january 2020 fighting a stupid nasty cough and cold. there were a lot of fluids and drugs and napping people. it was meh. eventually we were all on the mend and regular old life resumed. lots of lounging around. arts and crafts. games. you know. randomness. for christmas, my mom got me […]