the crazelnut’s third grade class is assigned a book report and project every quarter. for the third quarter, the kiddos had to pick a biography and make a creative timeline display and give an oral presentation “in character” as the subject of the biography. dressing up and props were optional. hazel chose frida kahlo and […]
february and all of it’s non essential happenings.

february came and went without too much fanfare requiring a separate post. i had a cake that almost ended me. and an epic hike with a good girl. and i made a teddy bear. and, as you’ll see in this post, there really wasn’t much else going on in february at all. anna hasn’t really […]
december of ’22 miscellany.

aaaaaand. here’s my obligatory post about the in between moments of the last month of the year twenty twenty two anno domini. firstly, anna’s basketball season continued on. the games are not all that exciting to watch. a lot of turnovers, jump balls, and fouling. not a lot of scoring. and anna doesn’t play much, […]
celebrating crazel’s ninth.

this kid is nine. it seems impossible. but the calendar assures me it is so. for the first time in her entire life, she got to have a school celebration and a home celebration. the school version was really just me bringing chick fil a for her and cupcakes for her class at lunchtime on […]
miscellany in novembery.

november is my favorite. maybe because i have a birthday right in the middle. but also because the weather is cooling off. thanksgiving is fun. and christmas is right around the corner. here’s what was happening this november, when i wasn’t quilting, making cakes, or visiting western new york… in very exciting home improvement and […]
october twenty twenty two.

and now. for the general happenings in october post. the non travel, non cake, non quilt, non adventure happenings. to kick things off, i’ll begin with a little campfire cookout smores type party we had for the kiddos. there was chili too. but i have no photographic evidence. just these pics of the smore’s table […]
september schmeptember. 2022.

school was in full swing by the time september rolled along. after a little bit of a rough (tired) start for hazel, she was LOVING it. her grade had a class picnic and i got to meet some other parents and some of her friends. she seems to be settling into the public school life […]
boring old august.

aside from our 10 day trip to western new york, august was pretty uneventful. leading up to the trip, we were getting ready for it. and when we got back, we moved into back to school mode. nothing very exciting, so proceed at your own risk (of boredom). firstly, in baking related news, anna has […]
the semi-miscellany of june.

this june was a pretty good one. we had an epic last hurrah in the rv in west virginia (previously posted). and we took an inaugural camping trip with our new fancy tent and gear to hanging rock (future post). but here’s all the other fun stuff that happened in june. well. and not so […]
annababy’s cookie cake teacher gifts.

if you follow along on my blog at all, you’ll know that anna has been making cookie cakes for a little business venture lately. you’ll also know that she has loved her first year in public school and REALLY loves her teachers. so, for an end of year gift, she wanted to make them each […]