suddenly, it was the end of hazel’s first year in public school. she had a lovely experience in mrs. brubaker’s third grade class. and it just so happened that her class mascot was a bison (mrs. brubaker is a national park enthusiast). so, it seemed like a good opportunity to make a cool geometric bison […]
the goldie quilt. (a finished quilt!)

in a previous post, i discussed my recent trend of starting quilt projects but never finishing them. as i was cruising along on the most recent quilt, i got really excited about it, and decided it was high time to break that streak and saw it through to the very end. it all started when […]
march mayhem (madness was taken).

turns out. march was busy. or at least that’s what my photographic evidence of march is telling me. aside from the items i will detail in this post, there was a cake, a big school project, a home improvement project, and a weekend bucket list getaway. now here’s the other stuff that happened. (this is […]
february and all of it’s non essential happenings.

february came and went without too much fanfare requiring a separate post. i had a cake that almost ended me. and an epic hike with a good girl. and i made a teddy bear. and, as you’ll see in this post, there really wasn’t much else going on in february at all. anna hasn’t really […]
old dog. new tricks. or whatever.

a long long long time ago, i got my start in sewing by making little felt stuffed animals. they were mostly flat at first, and then i branched out to some three dimensional characters. but, then i began quilting and have sort of lingered in the two dimensional space ever since. the quilt/fabric/sewing shop at […]

ok. so here’s the stuff that happened in january, excluding spontaneous trips to western new york to watch the bills playoff game vs. the dolphins, isaac’s 16th birthday festivities, and the one cake i made. spoiler alert. the rest is sort of boring. but here goes. lets begin with some happenings while i was away […]
miscellany in novembery.

november is my favorite. maybe because i have a birthday right in the middle. but also because the weather is cooling off. thanksgiving is fun. and christmas is right around the corner. here’s what was happening this november, when i wasn’t quilting, making cakes, or visiting western new york… in very exciting home improvement and […]
recent paper piecing adventures.

after making several big quilts in a row (halloween economy block, scrappy christmas tree, gnomes, amh flying geese, and stay gold bear paw), i needed a little break. it was time to work on something smaller, more intricate, cheaper, etc, so i started the search for a new paper piecing pattern. lo and behold, i […]
february. the 24th month of covid.

whelp. february is a wrap. concluding the 24th month of covid. or. two years if we are counting in years, which if you had told me we would have in march 2020, i might have had a nervous breakdown. anyways. enough about that. you know about that. here’s the happenings around these parts, in no […]
stay gold, bear paw quilt, stay gold.

i very rarely purchase entire fat quarter bundles of a fabric collection, but when photos of ruby star society’s new “stay gold” collection by melody miller starting popping up on my radar, i knew i had to have it all. within minutes, i had found an online shop with fat quarter bundles in stock, and […]