i literally can barely remember the happenings of last february. some of these pictures aren’t even really jogging my memory. but, i’ll muddle through, in the name of family memory keeping. here we go. ruby’s birthday is february 3rd. or so we are told. anna made her some pupcakes to celebrate her fifth birhday. she […]
a gift for a quilty friend.

for. my work pal kathy’s birthday, i made a rainbow-y paper pieced old timey sewing machine mini quilt. it turned out way better than i expected and i think she loved it. and now i’m reminded that i need to start thinking about her birthday again… the pattern is by quiet play designs. i quilted […]
december sewing.

every christmas, the sewing comes to a screeching halt and my quilt room turns into santa’s workshop. but, i managed to squeeze in a couple of quick projects before that happened in 2023. (remember, if you will, i’m typing this up over a year later). firstly, i whipped up a cool ruby star scrappy saw […]
lidbom family stocking upgrade.

a long long long time ago, when i was a few days past my due date for the hazelnut, and she didn’t have a stocking to match the rest of the family, and i happened to find myself at a sewing event with my quilt guild, i decided to make her a patchwork stocking, even […]
go bills. pillow version.

a few years back, i decided to try my hand at foundation paper piecing pattern drafting. of course, since it was in the middle of a successful football season, trying to create a fabric version of the bills logo was the only logical choice. except that it wasn’t. at least maybe not for my first […]
a very haunted halloween spooky village quilt.

i recently completed construction on my spooky village neighborhood and all thirty dwellings are inhabited by a myriad of various halloween citizens. i absolutely could not be more pleased with how this one turned out, from the bright happy colors, to the quilting, to the scrappiness, and mostly to all of the fussy cuts. now […]
september stuff. 2023.

oh, september. fall is just around the corner. school is new and exciting. football season is finally here. it’s really an underrated month if you ask me. and then there’s labor day weekend. i mean. a holiday to celebrate, well, days off. and this labor day weekend, my work pal cynthia invited me and my […]
a bear baby quilt for my baby’s bro’s baby bear.

my baby brother jake and his lovely wife erika are expecting their second baby boy in november, so of course the kid needs a quilt from his future favorite aunt. once erika and jake settled on the name barrett, complete with all the bear related nicknames imaginable (bear, little bear, brother bear, baby bear, bearbear….), […]
the rest of august.

with a large chunk of august spent in iceland, and with the time before that spent feverishly preparing for iceland, and the time after it spent feverishly recovering from iceland while simultaneously getting the kiddos ready for school the following week, this recap for “the rest of august” is going to be short and sweet […]
fanny pack attack.

one evening, while mindlessly scrolling instagram, i happened upon a post for the emerson crossbody bag by the blanket statement, and i knew i had to have it. and let’s be clear, we all know this is a fanny pack, riding the wave of the current trend of crossbody bags. either way, i have been […]