i have been wanting to make a quilt for a pretty good friend of mine, back in the great state of new york. when i mentioned this to her and asked for color preferences or pattern ideas, she pretty much told me to make something i would like, giving me complete artistic license, and i […]
the amazing oregon coast, continued.

when we woke up in brookings to beautiful weather and changed our travel plans to move up the coast versus heading inland, i decided to have an extrended travel day, stopping often to enjoy the beaches, scenery and some historic lighthouses. since isaac has not interest in such things, he rode with derek, and the […]
from california to oregon and happenings therein.

well, when i last posted, we were in the redwoods area of way northern california. from there, we moved up the coast a bit, crossing into oregon for a week on the coast. originally, we had planned a bit more time in another part of the redwoods, but we were worried about the internet, so […]

here we go. another mad dash round of bloggy catch up. when i left off, had stopped to visit the jelly belly factory on our way from point reyes national seashore to a little spot just north of sacramento, in nicolaus, california. the place was a thousand trails campground, which usually means there’s not much […]
bakersfield layover.

[obligatory acknowledgement that i’m super duper behind in blogging. we have been really busy and in some really internetless places.] when i left off, we were traveling from the eastern side of the sierras to bakersfield, california. we chose bakersfield because it was halfway between lone pine and our campsite in sequioa national forest, which […]
pacific dunes ranch. boring stuff.

after our stay in carpinteria, we were supposed to head inland, to a thousand trails rv park a bit northeast of santa barbara. but. we had read that the internet was non-existent, so we changed course. derek found us a spot at pacific dunes rv resort, a few hours north, still on the coast, in […]
soledad canyon happenings.

after our two weeks at california state beaches with no hookups, we headed inland for a break at soldedad canyon thousand trails rv park, to clean, do laundry, recover, do some rv upgrades, and so on. as always, when we find ourselves in less exciting places, we try to have a bit of routine with […]
southern preppy patchwork quilt

it’s official. i made another road quilt. we were in an rv park, not really near anything exciting, so the kids were glad to accompany me to the rec lodge a few times to spread out. and, the weather was mostly decent, so i could get a lot done on the picnic table at my […]
random stuff from cottonwood, az.

we kept really busy during our cottonwood, az stay. when we weren’t exploring local monuments or at the grand canyon, we were driving back and forth to the dentist. we had gone probably a little too long without some proper professional dental care, so derek found us a spot and we got all the lidbom […]
valley vista rv resortbenson, arizona.

after our stay in an unofficial 55+ community in mesa and hearing about how arizona is just chock full of snowbirds in the winter, i wasn’t super excited to head to benson, arizona. i was expected all the retirees to be grumpy about kids being in “their” park, and benson isn’t near a whole lot […]