a lot of october 2019 was spent in acadia and shenendoah national parks. but here’s what we were doing when we weren’t out in the wilderness. well, firstly, i spent a lot of time meal prepping and cleaning for the acadia trip. the rv was pretty gross after a long time of being unoccupied, so […]
making things. september edition.

thanks to a recently instituted policy of an afternoon quiet time for the lidkids, i had a pretty successful month of sewing in september. i mean. check out this action shot of the quilt room… the biggest thing i was working on was a freewheeling single girl quilt. i joined a sew along on instagram, […]
just july things…

i lied. as with june, there wasn’t a lot going on around here in july. i mean. we went on a hike. and my parents came. but mostly. it was more of the same. i suppose i should get used to it. to kick things off, ill cover the less exciting bits of the not […]
boring june, 2019

well. nothing exciting happened in june. so. here’s my list of less than exciting things that happened. i’ll kick things off with the random things around the house happenings. now that we were in a house, anna is hoping to up her sewing game. we scored a used version of the same machine i sew […]
rainbow alternate ending quilt.(ie: new favorite quilt).

so. one other benefit of stationary living is that i have a permanent quilting space. i was able to quilt more than i thought on the road, but it was a bit of work to set up and break down all the time. and, there was no room for fabric storage, so i always bought […]
january miscellany in ws/nc.

just after christmas, we decided that rather than hang out in winston-salem for the rest of dreary winter, we were going to head south to florida at the end of january. then, we made an even bigger decision to just get back on the road entirely, for at least another year and a half, while […]
“vintage-y, little golden books-esque”, granny nursery quilt.

ok. so an old friend of mine is about to have her first grandbaby and she asked about my availability for making her a quilt. at first, i declined, because we were on the road, and timelines and fabric options are limited. but, when we spontaneously came home, i agreed to give it a go. […]
heber city chronicles.

when i left off, i had just taken the kids on a little side trip to great basin national park. while we were having adventures, and driving to and from that park, derek moved along down the highway to the nevada border, which is where we met up with him for a night. the town […]
a black and white (and orange) quilt for the nephew to be.

my baby brother and his girlfriend surprised the whole family when they announced they were having a baby a few months back. she had expressed interest in my most recent quilt, so i knew this was the perfect opportunity to make her (or the baby, whatever) a quilt. when they found out it was a […]
aquariums and randomness from seaside, oregon.

we kept pretty busy getting out and about to adventure during our time at seaside, visiting the cheese factory, cannon beach and all things goonies in astoria, and the lewis and clark park. but, some other cool stuff happened in between. one such cool thing was a little trip to the aquarium with just anna. […]