now that we no longer have an rv, we are forced to vacation like regular people again, staying in hotels and resorts and the like. for christmas last year, the grandlidboms gifted us with a week’s stay at own of their timeshare properties, so for our first such regular people vacation, we headed out to […]
new river gorge day four.grand view, castle rock trail, grist mill

if you’re reading these in real time as i publish them, i’m skipping to day four of our trip because we are still waiting on the professional photos of day three (white water rafting with anna). if not, ignore this disclaimer and maybe i’ll even take it down once i make the day three post. […]
new river gorge day two.cathedral falls, endless wall, the bridge.

for our second day in the new river gorge, we headed north to do some exploring. we had a few things planned around fayetteville, but we took the advice of an instagram friend who said the previous nights torrential downpours would fill up cathedral falls, and took a slight detour to check it out. slight […]
new river gorge day one.sandstone and kate’s falls

we have always wanted to visit new river gorge, but it’s so close that it’s one of those places you just keep putting off until another time. then it became an official national park, so we pushed it up the list, and finally made it happen this summer, basically the minute school ended for the […]
may days. twenty twenty two.

here’s some stuff that happened in may. firstly, some cardinal eggs we found in one of my azalea bushes while we were hiding easter eggs finally hatched. i was able to stick my phone in and get good photos and we could sort of see them through the hall window, so it was a fun […]
quarantine in batavia.(quarantine with holden)

after my time in covid jail, we had the girls tested twice, four days apart. and even though both times were negative and we hadn’t had anyone show covid symptoms, anna was still required by her school to quarantine for another full week. we decided the best course of action was to take a spontaneous […]
post-RMNP miscellany.

when i was going through my photos for all of the fifty something posts about our summer road trip, and trying to organize them into reasonably sized clumps for blog posts, i ended up with a few homeless photos that i didn’t want to leave out. so, here’s a bit of miscellany from our speedy […]
mammoth cave national park.

whelp. here we are. our final destination on the epic (not so) post pandemic summer road trip. after our time in st. louis, we rolled the lidbom rambling road show on over to kentucky, where we had a tour booked at mammoth cave national park. after wind cave and jewel cave, i was anticipating a […]
STL non-arch themed happenings.(us grant, farmers market, city museum).

our last day in st. louis was a saturday, so derek was able to join us as we crammed in as much as we possibly could. (he took a lot of days off for the big things, but usually had to work while we did the smaller monuments and such). we started off with a […]
gateway arch *cough* national park *cough*

the lidboms are adamantly opposed to the gateway arch’s recent upgrade to national park status. we think its a national monument at best. but that didn’t stop us from planning a visit while we were passing through st. louis. the museum and visitor center is pretty impressive. and like a fortress. we had to go […]