monday of week 2. a lazy day. we went to the beach to swim a bit. and ike practiced all of his diving board tricks. i don’t know what else we did. but, this is the last pic of the day. napping hazel. on tuesday, we were back at the beach, but this time with […]
tales of vacations and travels
homeland pilgrimage. part 3. the july fourth edition.

we had a lazy day with eliot and my mom off on friday. i think. because there’s no pictures except for a handful from the beach. like this. and this. and some kayaking. and that’s pretty much it for friday. saturday was the fourth of july. again, i have no pictures to help me piece […]
homeland pilgrimage. part 2.

so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
pilgrimage to the homeland. part 1.

well well. i was all proud of myself for catching up on my blogging. and then i let this ny trip sit and sit. and then all of july happened. and we went on a mini vacation to the mountains. and we leave for the beach in a couple of days, so then i’ll have […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. last day.

i’m on a roll!! our last beach day started at the pool. juliana’s family left early, so we all said our goodbyes. 🙂 (juju is natalie’s little sister. she loves hazel. natalie loves anna. it’s a big sister little sister thing). anna still had makayla. in the afternoon, anna went to the beach. and these […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. days four and five.

back to the beach. there was a lot of sand castle building on this day. with my little pony accessories. and princesses. ruler of the kingdom. rainbow dash. the boy. attempting to catch a fish. the girl. being cute. more sand castle mania. general candid shot. another of the boy. it’s a miracle. in the […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. days two and three.

after selecting all the pics for this post, it appears we didn’t go to the beach at all for days two and three. strange. anyhooo… here’s what we DID do. we started off with a slow morning, because hazel learned that she can climb out of her pack and play and we got a very […]
no dads atlantic beach trip. day one.

first. an apology. i’m about to play a serious game of blog catchup. we went to the beach a month ago. then we came home for a week and i attempted to blog, but had a hard time with the photos (iphoto vs. photos) on my brand new computer. so i scrapped it. then we […]
sunshiny florida trip. part 2.

on our third day in florida, we laid pretty low. we skipped the beach and instead headed to the pool. i took exactly zero pictures at the pool. because of having to hold so many non-swimmers and such. then, hazel caught up on some MUCH needed sleep and we just lounged around the trailer park. […]
sunshiny florida trip. part 1.

ok. i’m skipping around. we actually just got back from this trip, so this isn’t belated. well, technically it is. but, by my dismal standards, it’s super early. some background. in october, my gramma died. (that post is here.) anyhoo. like with my gramps, a memorial service was planned for a later date, so that […]