this will be my shortest post in friend jude is 50. i will refrain from commentary about how it seems impossible that my peers are turning such ages. her husband asked if i could make a cake. it was a tight squeeze, because we were leaving for a spring break trip the next day. […]
march mayhem (madness was taken).

turns out. march was busy. or at least that’s what my photographic evidence of march is telling me. aside from the items i will detail in this post, there was a cake, a big school project, a home improvement project, and a weekend bucket list getaway. now here’s the other stuff that happened. (this is […]
hazel’s epic frida kahlo project.

the crazelnut’s third grade class is assigned a book report and project every quarter. for the third quarter, the kiddos had to pick a biography and make a creative timeline display and give an oral presentation “in character” as the subject of the biography. dressing up and props were optional. hazel chose frida kahlo and […]
vance. freaking. joy.

so. i am a big fan of vance joy, a singer-songwriter from australia, whose music our family fell in love with while were on the road. i sort of never thought i would have the opportunity to see him live. i mean. he was mostly in australia, not SUPER famous, and when we were on […]
whimsical fairy unicorn cakery for e.

my friend victoria has handed over birthday cake duties for all of her many (four) children to me. recently, i created a honey themed cake for her youngest’s first birthday. and now it is time for a cake for her oldest, who is turning five. a unicorn/fairy themed cake has been requested. victoria purchased some […]
operation: quilt room makeover.

so. the room that is currently the quilt room has seen many iterations. it started as a disgusting, carpeted, animal pee stained dining room, when we bought the house. we tore out the carpet, put in some cheap flooring and painted a chalkboard wall and made it into the homeschool room. then, anna wanted her […]
february and all of it’s non essential happenings.

february came and went without too much fanfare requiring a separate post. i had a cake that almost ended me. and an epic hike with a good girl. and i made a teddy bear. and, as you’ll see in this post, there really wasn’t much else going on in february at all. anna hasn’t really […]
stone mountain with the best girl.

on one particularly lovely day, it was determined by ruby and i, that we would go up to stone mountain for a hike. we had a fantastic time. the only thing that went wrong was we took a wrong turn at the beginning of the big loop, which meant we ascended mostly via stairs and […]
old dog. new tricks. or whatever.

a long long long time ago, i got my start in sewing by making little felt stuffed animals. they were mostly flat at first, and then i branched out to some three dimensional characters. but, then i began quilting and have sort of lingered in the two dimensional space ever since. the quilt/fabric/sewing shop at […]
the sweet sixteen cake that almost broke me.

a few months ago, an old friend reached out to see if i would be interested in making her daughter’s sweet sixteen birthday cake. she said “delicious chocolate” and we had a deal. then, she sent me some inspiration photos i couldn’t help but think i had gotten myself in over my head. but, i […]