here’s some stuff that happened in may. firstly, some cardinal eggs we found in one of my azalea bushes while we were hiding easter eggs finally hatched. i was able to stick my phone in and get good photos and we could sort of see them through the hall window, so it was a fun […]
theannababy is twelve.
seems impossible, but i double checked the dates, and it turns out, the annababy turned twelve this month. her actual birthday fell on mother’s day, and i spent a good amount of time harassing her about it and reminding her that someday when she has kids, she will get combined birthday/mothers day gifts, so the […]
a chicken cake for a chicken whisperer.
it’s no secret that theannababy loves chickens. so, obvioiusly, for her 12th birthday, she requested a chicken cake. we researched the internet and gained much inspiration and decided that we (by we i mean i) would make several fondant chicken figurines and accessories, to adorn the top of a yard-ish themed, early in the […]
april. 2022.
i’ve spent a lot of time trying to organize these photos into some sort of grouping that makes sense, but also accounts for the dimensions, orientation, and quality of the photos. but, april was such a strange month, fully of visits and cakes and such, so the random leftovers of april are just that, very […]
spring break with holden (and fam).
if you don’t already know, thanks to previous posts (zoo, cookies, tulips), my baby brother’s family came down to spend spring break with us this year. my girls were so very excited to have an entire week of holden time, and holden was pretty excited about an entire week of being doted on by two […]
easter cookie mania.
spring break this year happened to be the week before easter, which meant that holden and fam were able to join us in some of our easter traditions and activities. one such tradition in this house involves an overkill of spring themed sprinkles and the decorating of easter cookies. with hazel down for the count, […]
NC zoo with NY cousin (and fam).
for our second fun spring break north carolina activity with holden, we piled into jakes car and drove down to asheboro to visit the nc zoo. unfortunately, hazel was sick and couldn’t make it, and isaac is a teenager and couldn’t make it, and derek lidbom is our primary breadwinner and had to work. but, […]
tulip picking with a tiny cousin.
for spring break this year, my brother and his little family ventured down from western new york for a week of north carolina adventures. our first order of business was to head over to robertson family farms for some tulip picking. it was close to the end of the season, but there were still plenty […]
marchy march. 2022.
time for a recap of march happenings in lidbomland. we kicked off the month with a semi-spontaneous visit from my mom, aka new gramma. the kids had a long weekend, but since it was exceptionally nice the day before the long weekend, it was determined that anna would play hooky and have an extra long […]
february. the 24th month of covid.
whelp. february is a wrap. concluding the 24th month of covid. or. two years if we are counting in years, which if you had told me we would have in march 2020, i might have had a nervous breakdown. anyways. enough about that. you know about that. here’s the happenings around these parts, in no […]