for our final stop on our loop around florida, we met up with the grandlidboms in saint augustine. the wait between the last time we saw them and this time wasn’t as long as some of the visits out west, but the kids were just as excited, nonetheless. our first stop was dinner at a […]
miami day.little havana and wynwood walls.

well. we have learned that big cities aren’t our favorite. they are always sort of a letdown (boston, austin, los angeles, san francisco, seattle, portland…) our kids are usually dragging. it’s so expensive. parking and traffic is annoying. and the cool things to do are usually not all that kid friendly. but still, we decided […]
general florida february stuff.

on february 1st, we concluded our time at the “happpiest place on earth” and headed west to st. petersburg. but first. we needed breakfast. which was more like brunch. this is what our crew looks like on the morning after four straight days at disney…. our first stop after disney was a quick weekend in […]
a very brief st. pete weekend.

well. this post is way out of place. i’ll probably adjust the timestamp on it eventually, so it lines up properly in my archives. but, when i was getting ready to recap february miscellaneousness, i realized i never posted about our weekend in st. pete before we went to fort de soto. so, here goes… […]
january miscellany in ws/nc.

just after christmas, we decided that rather than hang out in winston-salem for the rest of dreary winter, we were going to head south to florida at the end of january. then, we made an even bigger decision to just get back on the road entirely, for at least another year and a half, while […]
batavia, new york christmas. 2018.

since we were back on the east coast for the holidays, and derek’s family was all departing for different locations, we decided we would take this mess up north, to spend christmas with my family in western new york. so, on the friday evening before christmas, we packed up the camper and dropped it off […]
december in ws/nc.

december is always pretty exciting, obviously, because christmas. but we also get to have hazel’s birthday. plus we had some friends at the campground with us. there was a surprise snow. a birthday party. and a bonus christmas party (the grandlidbom swedish christmas). anyhooooo… here’s the parts of december i haven’t already blogged about…. first […]
girls night out. disney on ice.

one sunday afternoon, as we watched football on network television, thanks to our proximity to a major city we could reach with our digital antenna, a commercial for disney on ice at the greensboro coliseum came on, drawing hazel’s attention. she was mesmerized and said “if that’s a real thing, i want to go to […]
ws/nc. november.

well. we are home. there’s as much exciting stuff to post about, so i’m back to that old thing where i can cram a month’s worth of stuff into one boring post. at least i had a birthday and there was a thanksgiving in november, so there’s some bonus material that might not take place […]
the long road home.

well. i guess now is as good a time as any to talk about why we are going home. while the road trip life is pretty amazing and we have gotten to do so much awesome stuff, we are struggling a bit with family life. i don’t know if our time is just up being […]