dear jiji, i tried really hard to get this finished up and in the mail to you for your christmas present (technically from derek) this year. i didn’t make it. so, i’ll send it back with mom when she comes down to visit. i tried to use your boring colors and i hope you like […]
lidbom family christmas.
we had our christmas with derek’s family on sunday. his sister’s family spends christmas with the dad’s family, so the best day to get together was nine days before christmas. although, i’m not complaining. i kind of like spreading out the toy influx. the grownups sat at a fancy pants table with fine china. the […]
a zipper pouch christmas.
i made a zipper pouch for derek’s mom for christmas. we exchanged gifts with his family earlier today. so, now i can post pics here. without further ado: found the totally perfect chick text print while in the mountains last weekend. didn’t notice until i started working on the pouch that the fabric also had […]
birthdays and thanksgivings, etcetera.
and so here it is. another one of those catch all posts with a bunch of random pictures thrown together to bring this blog back to the present. you’re welcome. anytime. first, i’ll begin with this cute picture of anna. she is obsessed with cramming her hands into her pockets “just like charlie brown dos”. […]
the last wny post.
(this time).
welcome back for the final installment of sarah and isaac and anna take new york. here is an account of our last two days there. on friday, we loaded up the kids (including rob’s girlfriend’s son, evan) and headed to lovely rochester, for a trip to the strong museum of play. we took this obligatory […]
another western ny trip series.
part 2.
on monday, my family returned to their respective jobs and schooling, leaving us to our own devices. so, naturally, our first stop was olivers candy. so. much. sugar. the kids saw this dog and instinctively stopped to pose for a photo with it. they’re well trained. or brainwashed. whatever. outside, we took some photos along […]
another western new york trip series. part 1.
a. we haven’t been to batavia since march. b. ike had a 3 day week sandwiched between a 4-day weekend and a 3-day weekend. c. ny autumn is 216% more awesome than nc autumn. so, we (me. kids.) went to ny. normally, i post a little while on the trip, so i don’t get overwhelmed […]
the not-so-top-secret-anymore christmas quilt
awhile back, i made this quilt for my uncle for christmas. i couldn’t post it at the time, because i think he reads my blog, so i only posted it on flickr. last year, i was chatting with him and he said, “make me a charlie brown quilt” (in mostly those words). i wasn’t sure […]
patterson farms IV
yesterday, we made our annual-ish trip to patterson farms for some fall time fun. and i took exactly one jillion pictures to document it. last year, the eating situation was disastrous. we waited in line for like an hour for some terrible hot dogs and hamburgers. so, we decided to eat on the way this […]
it’s dixie classic fair time again!
yesterday, i picked ike up from school at lunch time and we went to the dixie classic fair. it’s been raining non-stop for like two weeks. or at least a few days, so this was the first nice-ish day since the fair opened. first things first. lunch. isaac was convinced we should do the bumper […]