so. i think at this point, i’m on tuesday of our first week. to help keep track. our first stop on tuesday was to visit the varland clan. even though julie just had her fourth kiddo 7 weeks before this picture was taken, she was still a gracious host and fed us some delicious pb&j’s. […]
pilgrimage to the homeland. part 1.
well well. i was all proud of myself for catching up on my blogging. and then i let this ny trip sit and sit. and then all of july happened. and we went on a mini vacation to the mountains. and we leave for the beach in a couple of days, so then i’ll have […]
june. (seriously belated).
so. we were at the beach and then in new york for a good part of june, so i thought i didn’t have a ton of stuff to post about. but, i still managed to rustle up 24 pictures from random june happenings…. like this picture of my delicious (and organized) breakfast. picture one of […]
may. a belated post.
it’s been a bit crazy around here for the last little bit. (end of school, new computer and i’m playing a giant game of bloggy catchup. we head to the beach saturday, and i will obviously have about 40 things to blog about that, so hopefully i’ll be all caught up before then. first up. […]
lidbom family camping adventures. round 2.
last fall, we attempted a family camping trip. (in a sweet circus tent). it was a little tough with a tiny, semi-mobile, terrible sleeping hazel, but we still had a lot of fun, so we decided it was time to give it another go. this time, derek bought a super easy tent to set up […]
sunshiny florida trip. part 2.
on our third day in florida, we laid pretty low. we skipped the beach and instead headed to the pool. i took exactly zero pictures at the pool. because of having to hold so many non-swimmers and such. then, hazel caught up on some MUCH needed sleep and we just lounged around the trailer park. […]
all the happenings in january. guacamole hazel. cupcake-juicebox hazel. play-doh anna. a new giant box came in the mail. anna moved in. isaac sorted markers for her to decorate with. waffle maker helper hazel. i’m told this is princess elsa. flat play-doh version. hazel is terrible at her cheerio book. anna the painter. princess elsa […]
the sad trip home.
on the morning of isaac’s birthday, my mom called to tell me that my uncle ray passed away in the night. he’s my mom’s mom’s brother. and we were all very close, growing up. i’ll save his story for another post, but for now, here’s the tale of our sad adventure home, to bid him […]
new year happenings.
i left off with my parents leaving town on new years eve. they woke isaac to say goodbye, per his request. they did NOT wake anna, per her request. and hazel didn’t notice anything different. but after the whirlwind of end of school, sick kids, christmas and then my parents here for five days, we […]
belated christmas season post.
man oh man, am i ever behind on blogging. i was going to make one giant post with all that’s happened since december 15th or so. but after i selected 32 pictures and was only at christmas day, i decided to break it up into chunks. the first installment covers the time between my last […]