last saturday. isaac lidbom turned. eight. eight. EIGHT. how did this happen? anyhooo… we took some obligatory chalkboard pics of the boy as he entered into his ninth year on the planet… first, one by himself. all proud. then, anna joined in the fun. except she wasn’t feeling it was so fun to have all […]
lewisville christmas parade.

yesterday was the lewisville christmas parade. we didn’t get to go last year because of hazel and the business of her being born and all newborn and such. but we’ve gone in most of the years past. this year. isaac was in it, with his boy scout pack. so fun. the weather was glorious and […]
birthday weekend at the beach. (sewing).

a few weekends ago, i went with three quilty friends to a quilting retreat, hosted by the triangle modern quilt guild. at the beach. bonus info: it was also my birthday weekend. on the way down, we stopped at two quilt shops in chapel hill and raleigh. upon arrival at the (super fancy pants) hotel, […]
lazy five ranch.

a few days (weeks) ago, our friend stephanie invited us to go to lazy 5 ranch with her family. they had won some tickets and couldn’t use them all and anna and kaylin are super good friends and we’ve never been, so we gladly took them up on their offer. poor isaac missed out, because […]
four quilts for four sisters.

i’ve been on a finishing up quilts rampage this month. mostly because hazel sleeps. and because they’ve all come together at the same time. but mostly the sleeping. i started making these quilts for my friend brie’s THREE daughters. she had just found out she was pregnant with her fourth, so i cut and planned […]

it’s been a crazy couple of weeks around here. two weeks ago, today, i went to crossfit for the first time. i was hoping to get my butt back in gear and stop being fat. the workout was mostly pullups (i got to do wussy pullups using rings), rowing, and squats. i could tell i […]
30 days has september. but this post is about the first 24.

35 pictures from the last 24 days… i’ll start off with a visit to anna’s classroom for “muffins with moms”. she is such a perfect little student. she loves school. muffins with mom selfie. just hazel, hamming it up. football started. to celebrate, hazel and i took a sunday afternoon nap on the couch. hazelbaby […]
two sad quilts.
a bit of background. i have some friends. who had two kiddos. the oldest, a girl named corban, was born with some sort of super rare chromosome abnormality (i’m not exactly sure it even has a name). when she was born, they weren’t sure she would make it through the night. she was in the […]
family beach trip. the grand finale.

the last day! friday. back out to the beach. to soak up as much sun, salt water and sand as possible. isaac quickly found a group of boys to hang with. and they were JERKS. at one point, he came back and asked if he could take off his life vest to show them that […]
pre family beach trip catch up post.

ok. get ready for one zillion pictures. then, i’m going to try to make sure nothing fun or picture worthy happens in the next two days. because on saturday, we pack up and our little family of five will head to the beach. and you can be sure that i will be over facebooking, instagramming […]