with a good night’s rest under our belts and after sort of slow morning, we arrived back at magic kingdom for our fourth and final day of disney world mania. the kids all decided on magic kingdom, so we could go on some of our favorites again (i’m looking at you aladdin’s magic carpets) and […]
disney world. day three.epcot.

whew! day three. we were pretty much dragging at this point. we got out the door around 8 or 9, rode two buses, and rolled into the park with what seemed like the entire state of florida. derek waited in the bag search line with all of our stuff, while the kids and i walked […]
disney world. day two.hollywood studios.

we got off to a decidedly slower start for day two of our disney adventures. we hopped one bus, to take us to another bus, to drop us off at hollywood studios. we stopped out front for our obligatory photo shoot, and then we were off… our first stop was “voyage of the little mermaid”. […]
disney world. day one.magic kingdom

so. when we were planning our trip to florida, we learned of a special that was running for florida residents (which we technically are) to get a pretty good deal on a four day pass to disney. we hadn’t really considered doing disney, but with the deal, we figured if we were ever going to […]
the isaaczilla turns 12.

while we were in winston-salem, in january, the boy had his twelfth birthday. it seems like just a couple of minutes ago i was bringing him home from the hospital, but alas, it’s been a dozen years. it’s going by quickly and isaac has always been, shall we say, “spirited”, giving us a run for […]
january miscellany in ws/nc.

just after christmas, we decided that rather than hang out in winston-salem for the rest of dreary winter, we were going to head south to florida at the end of january. then, we made an even bigger decision to just get back on the road entirely, for at least another year and a half, while […]
raleigh, by train.

for christmas, we asked for folks to give the gift of experiences to the lidkids, instead of stuff to fill our camper. the grandlidboms, who love to ride trains, gave us the gift of an amtrak train trip to raleigh, where we would be able to go to a museum or two, have some lunch, […]
a sunny january hike at hanging rock.

for most of our time in winston-salem, its been rainy and cold or snowing and cold. it’s been pretty blah. but, finally the sun came out, and we took full advantage of it, driving up to hanging rock with our friends maya, livy, and heather, for a little bit of hiking and fresh air. ok. […]
batavia, new york christmas. 2018.

since we were back on the east coast for the holidays, and derek’s family was all departing for different locations, we decided we would take this mess up north, to spend christmas with my family in western new york. so, on the friday evening before christmas, we packed up the camper and dropped it off […]
december in ws/nc.

december is always pretty exciting, obviously, because christmas. but we also get to have hazel’s birthday. plus we had some friends at the campground with us. there was a surprise snow. a birthday party. and a bonus christmas party (the grandlidbom swedish christmas). anyhooooo… here’s the parts of december i haven’t already blogged about…. first […]